EksAyn Anderson is a business man, but more importantly he is someone who shares his insights on how to be a father who is engaged and leaves a positive impact for generations.

How to be a Father with Positive Impact EksAyn Anderson – BtR 309

EksAyn Anderson discusses insights on how to be a father who leaves an impact with this practical mindset on life. How to be a Father Who Impacts Generations Providing for our family is important. Is it the only thing though? Think about your great-grandparents. Each of them made decisions that impacted your life before you

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Vincent Pugliese is sharing how life is better with a wealth of connection.

The Wealth of Connection with Vincent Pugliese – BtR 306

Vincent Pugliese’s new book talks about building a Wealth of Connection and shares practical tips to do it right. The Wealth of Connection with Others You did “everything right”- got the degree, the knowledge, experience, business plan, the optimized website- so why don’t more people want what you have to offer? Why don’t more people

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Dr. Allen Lycka shares his 13 Pearls of Wisdom on how to live a fantastic life today.

Dr. Allen Lycka and the Secrets to a Fantastic Life – BtR 305

Dr. Allen Lycka shares his secrets to living a fantastic life in a post-pandemic world through enthusiasm, vulnerability, and love. Choosing to Live a Fantastic Life The day came when the shoe finally dropped slightly. Dr. Lycka and his wife were on vacation when his wife noticed that something was off on his gait. One

Dr. Allen Lycka and the Secrets to a Fantastic Life – BtR 305 Read More »