Jolyn Armstrong of Grapevine Mindware helps you achieve your best life after a catastrophe or trauma and organize your life for success.

Achieving Your Best Life After Catastrophe with Jolyn Armstrong – BtR 318

Jolyn Armstrong discovered that when an idyllic life is turned upside down by catastrophe you can still achieve your best life. Organizing Your Best Life After Catastrophe Strikes No one ever expects their life to be turned upside down by a family catastrophe. But when it happens, it can feel like your whole world is

Achieving Your Best Life After Catastrophe with Jolyn Armstrong – BtR 318 Read More »

Jonah Larking helps leaders and entrepreneurs in recognizing burnout and applying basic principles of habits for self-mastery.

6 Ways to Immediately Boost Your Energy When You’re Recognizing Burnout – BtR 317

Jonah Larkin helps leaders and entrepreneurs with recognizing burnout and self-mastery through principles of habits. Recognizing Burnout Burnout is a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion. It occurs when you feel like you’re giving more than you can physically or emotionally handle. Burnout is often caused by working in a

6 Ways to Immediately Boost Your Energy When You’re Recognizing Burnout – BtR 317 Read More »

Lathan Craft is a story teller who shares the connection between mental health and Christianity and how responding with empathy is crucial as a Christian.

Mental Health and Christianity Responding with Empathy – BtR 316

Lathan Craft is a pastor and author discussing mental health and Christianity and how responding with empathy should look. Mental Health and Christianity Mental health and Christianity are often seen as two separate things.  Christians sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that we must live lives without struggles, especially if it is related to

Mental Health and Christianity Responding with Empathy – BtR 316 Read More »

Garth Brooks showed me a reminder about leadership and the power of recognition.

1 Simple Thing Garth Brooks Reminded Me on Leadership

If there’s one thing that Garth Brooks’ recent concert reminded me of about leadership, it’s the importance of recognizing your employees in public. I recently helped my wife cross off a bucket-list item. We went to a Garth Brooks concert. I watched her clap, shout, and cry happy tears for nearly three hours, and it

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Patrick Morley, the founder of Man in the Mirror Ministries, shares about the four voices we face and how to discern which one is the Holy Spirit.

The Four Voices with Man in the Mirror Founder Patrick Morley – BtR 315

Patrick Morley, the author of The Four Voices, discusses how you can build your sense of self-worth, improve relationships, and grow by mastering your thoughts. The Four Voices You have four distinct voices competing for attention over your life. There’s the voice of the world, the flesh, the devil, and the Holy Spirit. So how

The Four Voices with Man in the Mirror Founder Patrick Morley – BtR 315 Read More »

graduating from the school of hard knocks, erik g allen has reshaped his life and his legacy

Erik G Allen From the School of Hard Knocks to Graduating with Honors – BtR 313

Erik G Allen is a success story of a man who has overcome the School of Hard Knocks to get to where he is today as a husband, father, and entrepreneur. What is the School of Hard Knocks noun the experience gained from living, especially from disappointment and hard work, regarded as a means of

Erik G Allen From the School of Hard Knocks to Graduating with Honors – BtR 313 Read More »

Bryan Crum worked as a hospice chaplain and now shares lessons learned on how to have a life well-lived

A Life Well Lived: Lessons Learned From Hospice Chaplain Bryan Crum – BtR 312

Bryan Crum worked as a hospice chaplain and shares lessons learned on how we are already equipped to have a life well lived. Inspiration for a Life Well Lived “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference

A Life Well Lived: Lessons Learned From Hospice Chaplain Bryan Crum – BtR 312 Read More »