John Lee Dumas shares his 100-day journal that helps you achieve your goals through 10 ten-day microsprints.

John Lee Dumas: Igniting Success with Journaling for 100 Days of Microbursts

Struggling to reach your goals? 

John Lee Dumas, the Entrepreneur on Fire, shows how journaling with his 100-Day Goal Journal and 10-Day Sprint concept can help ignite the fire for success and financial freedom.

“When something is important, I make time. It is part of my daily morning routine.” -John Lee Dumas

John Lee Dumas

John Lee Dumas is the entrepreneur on fire and helps ignite other entrepreneurs in his Fire Nation tribe to grow their businesses, live a life of freedom, and achieve financial freedom. He has published four journals and has interviewed over 3700 entrepreneurs in ten years.

John Lee Dumas, an entrepreneur and host of the podcast Beyond the Rut, shares the importance of journaling and how it has played a role in his success. He explains how journaling can help organize thoughts, increase productivity, and hold oneself accountable. John recommends doing a five-minute journal entry every morning and breaking down a 100-day goal into ten-day sprints. He encourages listeners to invest in his journals, which are available on Amazon, to help track progress and build a legacy.

JLD Fire Hands
John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, a daily podcast that interviews the top business leaders in the world so that we can all learn about their secrets to success and create our own freedom through entrepreneurship.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. How Journaling Can Help You Stay on Track with Your Goals

2. How to Do Microbursts Over 100 Days to Reach Your Goals

3. What John’s Daily Routine Entails When It Comes to Goal Setting and Journaling

Create a life worth living in your faith, family, and career.
Buy a copy of Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, and Career today on Amazon!

Journaling with a 100-Day Planner

Writing down your ideas and goals onto paper takes something that is intangible and creates something tangible. Your goals become real the moment you write them down. 

Using a 100 Day Planner like the Freedom Journal from John Lee Dumas allows you to set realistic stretch goals that can be achieved through 10-day sprints.

You can track your progress, think through your challenges, and celebrate your wins as you move closer to your dreams through written goals. 

Chapter Summaries:


People that say they don’t have time to do something are people that don’t use their time wisely. And by the way, I used to be one of those people. No longer. Because when something is important, I make time.


This episode of beyond the Rut features entrepreneur John Lee Dumas. We talk about how journaling can help you stay on track with your goals and how to do microbursts. This is a short episode, but it is jampacked with fire. 


John One: One of my most popular posts on beyond the Rut is about journaling for men and. Why we should start a habit of. Journaling and the benefits from it. He recommends daily if possible, especially if you’re going to do a challenge 100 days in a row. 

Measure it to make it ad 2


John Dumas says journaling is part of his daily morning routine. He says a journal can be a source of accountability for people. Dumas: You’re building a legacy by doing this. 


John Lee Dumas: The benefit of having a journal is having it as part of your daily routine. And you specifically have your journals formatted in a way where folks are doing this at 100 days at a time. That is broken up into ten-day sprints, which makes things more achievable. 


John: I’d like to share a quote by Albert Einstein which is, “Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value.” If more people thought of ways to be valuable in this world as opposed to chasing success, they would find that success would find them awesome. 


John Lee Dumas was the first guy to do a daily podcast. Try these ten-day sprints that Jerry and John talked about, then come back to this episode. Show Notes Use that link to take you to Amazon and buy a copy of the Freedom Journal.


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How to Get Back on Track with Your Goals in Just 5 Minutes – JS001

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Hosted and Edited by Jerry Dugan


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journaling, journal, john lee dumas, morning routine, goal, podcast, john, talk, rut, day, episode, journals, minutes, thoughts, copy, written, life, sprint, happen, folks


Jerry Dugan, John Lee Dumas

John Lee Dumas  00:00

as well as people that say they don’t have time to do something, are people that don’t use their time wisely. I’m just gonna call them out right now I’m calling a spade a spade. And by the way, I used to be one of those people no longer because when something’s important, I make time it is part of my daily morning routine.

Jerry Dugan  00:20

Hey, Rutter Nation. Welcome to another episode of beyond the rut, the podcast that shares, encouraging stories and practical tools to help pull you out of your rut into a life worth living in the areas of your faith, your family and your career or business. I’m your host, Jerry Dugan, and on this episode, I’m going to be joined by a podcasting hero of mine, John Lee Dumas. He is the Entrepreneur on Fire, and he helps ignite other entrepreneurs in his fire nation tribe, to grow their business to live a life of freedom to have financial freedom and so much more. So how did I get him on the show? That’s a different story. What we’re going to talk about in this episode is how journaling can help you stay on track with your goals, and how to do microbursts 10 Day microbursts over the course of 100 days, to hit the goals that you always dreamed of hitting. So that’s what we’re going to be talking about how to goals play a role in John’s life, why he really helps people by challenging them to these 100 day challenges with their goals, and how to just make the time and what is what is his daily routine entail when it comes to goal setting and journaling? So there you have it, sit back and relax. Hopefully you’ve got a notepad and a pen with you. This is a short episode, but it is jam packed with fire for those of you listening in. So here we go with the Entrepreneur on Fire John Lee Dumas. Are you ready to ignite? Now? That’s not my tagline that says, but we’re rolling with it. Here we go. All right. Hey, John, one good to see you doing well after that hurricane. And thanks for joining us. How are you doing?

John Lee Dumas  02:00

Yeah, the sun is shining, the birds are singing down here in Puerto Rico are trying to dry out after 10 inches of rain in one day. One day,

Jerry Dugan  02:09

man, Texas, almost got something like that. But not quite. It wasn’t a hurricane either. But the reason why I got you on here is turns out one of my most popular posts on beyond the rut is about journaling for men, and why we should start a habit of journaling and the benefits from it, then how to start a journaling habit. And then I realized I have zero interviews or any content whatsoever on the podcast about this blog post. And so I reached out to you, you said yes, I got some time. So very quickly, or not quickly, I mean, as much time as you can take up to the footnotes we got so what role has journaling had in your success and in your life?

John Lee Dumas  02:48

Yeah. So I’ve now actually published four journals. So the Freedom Journal was my first I follow that up with the mastery Journal, the podcast journal and the 100 day goal journal. So for journals, obviously, you can tell that I’m a pretty big fan of journaling, because the reality is this Jerry is, people have so many thoughts in their mind, and they’re swirling around, and they’re just kind of misshapen, and they’re all over the place. Journaling allows you to take that mess, and put it down on paper and start to look at it, start to form it and start to kind of make sense of it. And when you start to do that on a consistent basis, and you know, for people that I talk to you I recommend daily, if possible, especially if you’re going to do a challenge 100 days in a row, make that happen. You have guts to say you know what, I’m the type of person that wants consistency in my life that wants productivity in my life that wants a discipline in my life that wants focus in my life. If you want those things, which by the way are the keys to a successful entrepreneur, you’re talking to somebody who’s interviewed 3700 [people] in 10 years than journaling is part of that process. Journaling is part of the process of getting the thoughts out of your head onto paper, making sense of them, and then holding yourself accountable over time. And that’s actually specifically how I create my journals. It’s a way of writing down your thoughts, organizing them, and then being held accountable to accomplishing something with them. The Freedom Journal, accomplish your number one goal and 100 days, the mastery journal, Master productivity, discipline and focus in 100 days. These are very goal focused journals specific focus journals, that’s going to allow you to be consistence. And again, you can put something on the internet or something in an app and it just kind of withers away into the other. When you have a physical journal, by your bed at your desk with you. It’s a constant reminder, a constant little prodding of Bing Bing Bing Bing bank, did I write in my journal Today if the answer is no, you’re gonna pay for it.

Jerry Dugan  05:02

Oh, yeah. Now, you mentioned daily. So when in the day do you find the time to journal because I know a lot of guys are like, well, I ain’t got time for that. It’d be a must be nice, but you make time.

John Lee Dumas  05:13

Well listen, people that say they don’t have time to do something, are people that don’t use their time wisely. I’m just gonna call him out right now I’m calling a spade a spade. And by the way, I used to be one of those people no longer because when something’s important, I make time it is part of my daily morning routine. So I have a morning routine, I won’t get into too many details. Right now. It’s extensive, it’s about three hours long. Now, I’m not saying everybody needs a three hour morning routine, I get the you may not have three hours in the morning to do something. But guess what, you have five minutes, you have five minutes to start a morning routine. And if that morning routine is starts with a five minute journal entry, then you’re already on the right path. And my morning routine started like 15 or 20 minutes. And then I just kept adding things as I went as it got more efficient, more effective. And as I had more free time as my business got more streamlined. And as I built a team out, that allowed me to do what I do on a daily basis. So as part of my morning routine, that’s when I like to get those thoughts out of my head onto paper and make it happen.

Jerry Dugan  06:21

Yeah. And so it sounds like you also prefer having it written as opposed to a digital format. And it’s because it’s physically there. So when you sit down at your desk or, you know, in the I don’t think he keeps a journal in their bathroom, but if you did,

John Lee Dumas  06:35

that’s not a bad place for it, to be honest. But the reality is this. Listen, you’re building a legacy by doing this. It’s just going to happen. I mean, like, can you imagine let’s just kind of talk about a story right now. My grandfather died when he was 46 years old. I wasn’t even thought of for decades, when he died. And so guess what? I’ve never heard his voice. I’ve never even seen a video of him. And he’s my grandfather. He’s actually my namesake, John Louis Dumas. John L. Dumas. I’m John Lee Dumas. How amazing would it be for me to pull off a shelf, a beautiful leather bound journal, that for 100 days, he wrote down his thoughts, his feelings, his desires, his fears, his anxiety, that would be amazing. So not only are you doing this for yourself, but man, your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and beyonds, they might really get a kick out of that one day.

Jerry Dugan  07:37

Yeah. Oh, yeah. I remember. My grandmother used to have a book that her grandparents had written. And I remember thumbing through it at one point, haven’t seen it since. But just having that my hands on that piece of history of family history that was back, who knows how long? I mean, while I was like, 12, at the time I read the books. I really have no idea how far but

John Lee Dumas  07:58

you have an assignment. Get your hands on that again.

Jerry Dugan  08:00

Yeah. Oh, man. That’d be that’d be a challenge. But it’d be worth pursuing since they’ve since passed, as well. So you tend to do your journaling in the morning, you prefer a hard copy? Or you mentioned earlier? How a journal can be a source of accountability. And so in what way can a journal be a source of accountability for folks?

John Lee Dumas  08:23

It’s like your past self saying what you’re going to do. And then your present self saying, Well, did I do it? That’s embarrassing. Like I told myself, I was going to do it. Now. I’m not doing it. And it’s right there, black and white on this piece of paper right now. So that’s why I love that and, you know, like you said, kind of like thumbing back through, you know, some of their previous entries, keeping yourself focused, saying, you know, this is what I said I was gonna work on, I’m working on this is what I said I was going to accomplish, am I accomplishing it? So like, journal, I have a broken up where it’s number one, you set a 100 day goal, measurable, attainable, relevant, time, bounce, critical. And then you start and guess what? When you start, you start with what I call a 10 day sprint. So your first 10 day back over those previous 25 days, and you say what’s working, what’s not working? How can I make this happen? And that’s critical.

Jerry Dugan  09:21

So you were mentioning that you do a 10 day sprint when you journal or recommend a 10 day sprint tell us more about that.

John Lee Dumas  09:29

So a 10 day Sprint’s of a 100 day goal allows you to set these micro goals getting you 10% closer to your goal every 10 days, so now becomes more manageable, not just like 100 a goal of like, man, it seems so far away. It seems like such a big goal. It is kind of far away, and it is a big goal, but let’s now break this up into 1010 day sprints 10% of your goal every 10 days, and then every 25 days you should do what I call a quarterly review where you look back over those previous 25 days. What were So what didn’t work? What do you need to change, adjust pivots to move forward.

Jerry Dugan  10:06

I love that I was just thinking, you know, if it’s 100 days all together, you can essentially go through at least three of these in a year. And so you take an annual goal, for example, break it down into three big milestones. And bam, you’ve got this.

John Lee Dumas  10:24

Well, since there’s 365 days of the year, I would say, at least and at most,

Jerry Dugan  10:31

yeah, yes. I was leaving room for human error for folks. 65 days worth. So, you know, we’ve talked about, you know, the importance of having a journal, how you’re taking these unknown, tangible or intangible ideas, these nebulous thoughts. And you create something that is tangible, the moment you write it down. The benefit of having it written in physical as opposed to digital, having it as part of your daily routine. Some people probably do this at night before they go to bed. It sounds like you do yours as part of a morning routine. And you specifically have your journals formatted in a way where folks are doing this at 100 days at a time. And that is broken up into 10 day sprints, which makes things more achievable. You’re hitting those wins much more regularly, which I love, because people tend to lose their attention on anything big and worth pursuing when you start getting to day 21 and 22, and so on. So if somebody wants to get their hands on this kind of thing, where can they go? To get a copy.

John Lee Dumas  11:38

So if you want to go to Amazon, the journals are all there, you can just search for the Freedom Journal, the mastery Journal, the podcast journal, which is all about launching a podcast in 50 days. And then the 100 day gold journal, you can just search by that or by my name John Lee Dumas. And of course my website’s eo And it has links to all that as well.

Jerry Dugan  12:01

Awesome. And, John, before we go, any final words of wisdom for those listening right now,

John Lee Dumas  12:06

I’d like to share a quote by Albert Einstein, which is try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value. And I think if more people thought of ways to be valuable in this world, as opposed to chasing success, that they would find that success would find them.

Jerry Dugan  12:28

Awesome. I love that. Again, thank you for coming on here and sharing this tidbit about journaling, the importance of journaling and where folks can get started. It’s been a pleasure, John.

John Lee Dumas  12:39

Awesome. Thank you so much. Have a great day.

Jerry Dugan  12:41

Now, I hope you are fired up for listening to that conversation I had with John. Now I only had a 15 minute block with him. And that interview you may have noticed was only about 10 minutes long, a little bit longer with the ad that was inserted in there. So what happened to the other five minutes? I’m sorry, guys. I hugged that time for me. I got to geek out with him. I got to go gaga over John Lee Dumas because I have followed his show, right around the time I got into podcasting. So yeah, he’s like the guy who started like he was like the first guy to do a daily show. And a lot of folks who are in the entrepreneur podcasting space, they know this guy they know of him if they don’t know him personally, like he has influenced so many people who are business owners who also have a podcast, they look up to this guy. So yes, I hogged five minutes for me. I’m sorry, but not really. So there you have it. Now, where do you go for more resources? Well, I say go to the shownotes. Go to beyond the 338. And there you will find links to John Lee Dumas, his show, his website, and where you can get a copy of the Freedom Journal for yourself, I bought a copy. I’ve been using it to help keep me on track to publish my book. Now I’m not quite on time, but I am further along than I’ve ever been, because of these 10 day sprints. So what if they take 15 to 20 days, I’m still making forward progress towards my dream. And that is exciting. Now, if you don’t want to buy the Freedom Journal, that’s okay. I still recommend you jot down your goals and you find a way to track it. And if you want a free tool, I’ve got a short little booklet a workbook called measure it to make it and you can get a free copy of that by going to beyond the So download a free copy, get the ball rolling. If you decide later on, man, I think I really want to try these 10 day sprints that Jerry and John talked about. Then come back to this episode’s Show Notes beyond the 338 and then go use that link to take you to Amazon and buy a copy there that helps support my show, as well as support you in the pursuit of your goal. goals and dreams so there you go now I’m glad you joined me this week and I look forward to joining you again next week but until next time go live life beyond the rut Take care guys