These memorable military experiences have shaped our views on leadership and life.

Memorable Military Experiences for a Life Beyond the Shadows – BtR 263

Tripp Bodenheimer is the host of The Shadows Podcast and a leader in the United States Air Force who shares his insights on getting out of your comfort zone and living the life you dream of living.

What Military Experiences Taught Us

There are lessons that we both discuss from our military experiences, which have shaped how we perceive the world. 

military lessons from Tripp Bodenheimer
Get comfortable getting uncomfortable, a motto to live by

Never Wait for Perfect Conditions and No Plan Ever Survives First Contact with the Enemy

There is no such thing as perfect when it comes to conducting a mission. You can plan and prepare, but there will always be a condition or variable that you cannot account for. This does not mean preparation is meaningless. If anything, we prepare for everything we can think of and leave room for flexibility.

Many of us believe the idea that we need to go to school, work hard every day, and not think about vacation until we retire. Why not now? Why not while you’re still in good health, mobility, and curiosity? If you find yourself on Someday Isle, as in “Someday, I’ll do _____…” consider what you can pursue now. 

Trust Your Team

When we trust our team members, we may be led to experiences and levels of success that were unimaginable to us. Tripp discusses following a stranger down a dark alley to experience the best calzone he’s ever eaten. He would never have had that experience and other memorable experiences if he didn’t trust the most important team member in his life, his wife.

The Maximum Range of an Excuse is _____

Military experience grills within our minds the maximum range of various weapons systems. This is because you need to know what you have to work with so you can appropriately respond to challenges and threats. The most powerful weapon against your success is the excuse, and likely one of the most employed platforms used by anyone who is not pursuing or achieving their goals. With that said, you need to know the maximum effective range of an excuse. I’d love to give it away to you, but it’s better if you hear it in the episode.

Are you a military veteran? Share in the comments what memorable military experiences taught you valuable life and leadership lessons.

Tripp Bodenheimer shares his military experiences that shaped him.

Come Out from the Shadows

We all have shadows that follow us in life. Our pasts include experiences, courses, and relationships that shape who we are today. While this is true. We also discuss how you have the power to shape how your future looks with intentional effort.

We can sometimes get stuck in the ruts of our mundane everyday lives. Taking the time to know ourselves and trying new things intentionally frees us from that. There is so much of the world to see, so many cultures, and it all exists outside of social media.

The Shadows Podcast is about learning from our stories, the stories of others, and living the best life we can live. 

Who Is Tripp Bodenheimer

Technical Sergeant Edward C. Bodenheimer III (Tripp) in the United States Air Force where he currently works as an Instructor for the Enlisted Professional Military Education Instructor Course (EPMEIC). He is the founder and host of The Shadows Podcast where guests share their stories to reveal how the shadows of their pasts influenced them for success to inspire others to draw from their life experiences. Tripp is certified from Giant Worldwide as an instructor for 5 Voices: How to Discover Your Leadership Voice and 5 Gears: How to be Present and Productive When There Is Never Enough Time.

He is also a husband and a father whose trust for his wife led him down a dark alley with a strange man to experience the best calzone he’s ever eaten!

Besides being connected with Beyond the Rut alum Sha Sparks from The Power of Investing in people, Tripp was also mentored by and friends with another dynamic duo who share their memorable military experiences as lessons in life, learning, and leadership. That’s right, I’m talking about Joe Bogdan and Scott Greene from The Llama Lounge.

Resources and Links

The Shadows Podcast is available at

Follow Tripp on LinkedIn as well as Facebook to learn from the stories of others like yourself. 

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Episode Credits

Host, Editing, and Production: Jerry Dugan

Music: “Oceans Apart” is our theme song composed and performed by Scott Ian Holmes.