The Meaning of Audacious Generosity with Kevin White

The Meaning of Audacious Generosity – BtR 261

Pastor Kevin White worked hard for his congregation until one day he was fired, broke, and found a new way to live through audacious generosity.

What is Biblical Generosity

“As Christians, the Bible is clear throughout its pages that we’re called to give generously.” – World Vision

Whether it is to build a community project like a temple or a wall or to meet the needs of those less fortunate, the Christian Holy Bible is filled with calls to be generous with our possessions, our time, and our love.

It is discussed as a desirable character trait where the generous will find themselves blessed. It is an outward focus on the needs of others. Generosity counters the desire and instinct to take care of ourselves. (See this answer from on biblical generosity.)

While Kevin White’s discussion is about giving with audacious generosity, we are talking about adopting a mindset for biblical generosity as a lifestyle.

More on biblical generosity from The BibleProjectTM,q_lossy,to_avif/

What is Audacious Generosity

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Many of us have an innate desire to be more generous, but don’t know how when we have so little margin left in our budgets. We feel powerless to make the difference we want to make in the world through our giving. 

Kevin’s story is not much different. He had a job where he could be generous with his time and his love for others. It got to the point where he worked too hard and was let go from his own church before the work took a toll on his family life.

The loss of his job put him in a dire need to provide for his family, and the struggle is one we may be able to relate to. He prayed. He begged for provision. At times, it seemed to not come when he wanted and needed it to arrive. 

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” – 1 Timothy 6:17-18

In short, Audacious Generosity is about fully putting your hope in God when it comes to everything in your life, especially material possessions. 

We discuss in this episode how a mindset shift completely changed how Kevin saw generosity, wealth, and provision. 

As a result of adopting a lifestyle of audacious generosity, Kevin, his family, and many others have received and given more than they could have ever imagined.

About Kevin White

Kevin White is the author and founder of Audacious Generosity.As an author, speaker, and leader, Kevin White, is convinced that audacious generosity transforms the world. Kevin’s on a mission to empower a culture of generosity throughout the world with his book, Audacious Generosity, and his Generosity of God storytelling campaign. 

A seasoned pastor and entrepreneur, Kevin founded With Love From Jesus Ministries in 1999 to distribute essential resources to high-need populations. The organization continues to carry out its original mission by distributing millions of dollars in resources each year to those who need it most. In 2003, Kevin founded Global Hope India, and he continues to lead the mission-minded organization focused on Indian Nationals as its executive director. Kevin has traveled to India over 50 times taking one thousand people on short-term mission trips to India.

Outside of building successful nonprofits with world-changing impact, Kevin has started churches and businesses. He speaks internationally and hosts three podcast shows in the USA.

An ordained minister, Kevin received his undergraduate degree in 1989 from Southern Wesleyan University. Kevin and his wife, Shelly, have been married 33 years. They have three adult children and one grandchild. Kevin and Shelly live in Cary, North Carolina.

Resources and Links

Check out Kevin’s website

You can also subscribe to Kevin’s YouTube Channel, The Kevin White Show

Buy your copy of Kevin’s book, Audacious Generosity: How to Experience, Receive, and Give More Than You Ever Thought Possible (Affiliate Disclosure)

Buy your copy of Audacious Generosity today!

Research Articles Related to Audacious Generosity

Why Generosity is Good for You by Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. from

5 Research-Backed Benefits of Making Generosity a Habit by Michael Hyatt

5 Benefits of Generosity by Jewell Miller from the University of Arkansas’s blog Navigating Life’s Journey

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Episode Credits

Host, Editing, and Production: Jerry Dugan

Music: “Oceans Apart” is our theme song composed and performed by Scott Ian Holmes.