There are two things that are most important to Brandon and Jerry in their daily morning routines. The first is having a personal quiet time alone with God. The second is completing their fitness routines.
Table of Contents
The Fitness Routines of Brandon and Jerry
Brandon began his morning exercise routine to lose weight a couple years back. It was a personal goal of his to complete a triathlon. That is exactly what he accomplished in 2016. Part of the hiatus that Brandon took during the Summer was to recommit to the daily routine of running in the morning.
Jerry did a little more research on workout routines for weight loss that would fit his tight schedule yet kickstart his metabolism to burn calories all day. Here were some of the criteria Jerry needed to meet for his fitness routine.

- He needed fully body workout routines he could rotate through.
- Workout routines for beginners would be the best place to start since he’d gotten away from working out daily like in the Army.
- No time for the gym, so he needed a workout routine at home.
Jerry’s 10 Minute Morning Workout
- 1-minute marching around the house. (Alternate: Jumping Jacks)
- 40 reps Overhead Arm Clap (No weights for beginners, add weights if you like)
- 20 reps of Crunches
- 40 reps Should Press (No weights for beginners, add weights if you like)
- 20 reps of Crunches
- 10 Push-Ups (More as you can add them. Beginners can do these from their knees.)
- 20 reps of Crunches
- 20 Squats
- 1 Plank for as long as possible. Started at 15 seconds and working my way up.
- Cool down – walk around the living for a minute.
This is enough to get the blood pumping and calories burning throughout the day by working out the major muscle groups.
Important of Quiet Time
The benefits of having daily quiet time include spending time alone with God if that fits your spiritual beliefs. Even if that is not something that suits you, that quiet time gives you a chance to mentally pause as you prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the day. Many of us get out of bed and simply throw ourselves together to take on the tasks of the day. You probably get up and spend your time taking care of others whether that includes getting the kids ready for school, getting ready for that early morning meeting to achieve someone else’s goals, or serving the needs of your customers as soon as you clock in.
Daily quiet time will allow you a chance to center yourself, remind you of what you want to accomplish for your goals and what is most important for you before the deluge of the world comes at you.
This episode shares how we blend the two together to get the most out of our morning routines and our days.
Resources and Links
Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning at no cost to you Beyond the Rut will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. We have denoted those links with double asterisks like this **.
Brandon is Training for a Triathlon, BtR Episode 59
Listen to Brandon’s 5 a.m. Morning Routine, BtR Episode 145
Hershel Walker Football Fitness – Push-ups, Sit-ups, and other body weight workouts.
Read – The Morning Routine That Gives You the Advantage to Succeed for the Day
Check out the app Virtua Gym for a simple workout routine at home.
Jerry is returning to his own advice on how to use your smartphone to lose weight. Buy the e-Book here**.
The Greens** – that product Brandon mentioned a few times in this episode.
**You can read our full Affiliate Disclosure Page here.
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