Simon Severino helps business owners double their revenue and improve their lives through his Strategy Sprints coaching format.

How Strategy Sprints Can Unlock Infinite Possibilities with Simon Severino – BtR 354

TEDx Speaker and business coach, Simon Severino, discusses the power of applying “strategy sprints” to your life to unlock infinite possibilities.

Simon Severino helps business owners double their revenue and improve their lives through his Strategy Sprints coaching format.

“There is only one thing actually stopping you right now from living your dream and that is between your ears.”

Strategy Sprints

Simon Severino is a renowned business coach, founder, and CEO of Strategy Sprints, a global consulting company that helps businesses create accelerated agile growth. 

With a background in philosophy and psychology, Simon brings a unique perspective to the world of entrepreneurship. His dedication to living a balanced life and prioritizing well-being is evident in his methods, as he encourages clients to stay present, focused, and grounded in their bodies. 

Simon’s strategic planning techniques have helped countless entrepreneurs find their path and achieve work-life balance, proving his expertise in the field.

Strategy Sprints are designed to help business owners double their revenue within 90 days. We are taking this idea of scaling your business and applying it to scaling up your life in the areas of faith, family, fitness, finances, and your future growth.

Create Habits That Make a Difference

Severino’s coaching includes creating a strategy, goals to implement that strategy within 90 days, and building up habits that will make a difference for a lifetime.

He recommends that you make every day count by adopting three simple habits that can make a significant difference in your life. Whether it’s a bad week or a fantastic one, stick to these habits, and you’ll be amazed at how much more productive and fulfilled you feel.

Your three habits may be different than someone else’s three habits. These are habits you identify while creating your strategy sprint and goals. For some people, it may be a focus on exercise, reading, and prayer. For others, it could be writing and other creative activities. You may be someone who’s adopted Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning Routine.

Living a creative, fulfilling life is not just a dream but a reality that you can achieve by committing to these three habits every day. Don’t wait until it’s too late to live the life you want – start today, and you won’t look back with regret.”

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. Master agility in your personal and professional life using Strategy Sprints methodology. 

2. Overcome challenging thoughts and foster a positive mindset to remain in the moment. 

3. Expand your enterprise across borders using easy, effective prospecting techniques. 

4. Strike the perfect work-life equilibrium with tactical planning. 

5. Uphold reliability and faith in your entrepreneurial journey to attain success.

Simon Severino

Simon is a business owner, TEDx Speaker, coach, and most importantly a father of three. 

While he specializes in helping businesses scale up, his passion is helping those same entrepreneurs and business owners scale up in their lives to have the kind of balance they desired.

As the owner and author of Strategy Sprints, Severino has the opportunity to live and work in alignment with his passions, values, and skills.

Are you ready to win? Watch Simon Severino’s TEDxOsogbo Talk about overcoming our fears of success and creating the life you want to live through strategy sprints, expressing your uniqueness, and leveraging your strategic advantage in business and life.

Chapter Summaries:

00:14:07 – Finding Your Superpower and Apply Strategy Sprints

00:19:10 – Being Vanilla, and Going Beyond Vanilla

00:26:35 – Living the Life You Want

00:27:54 – Helping Entrepreneurs Realize Their Dreams

00:28:56 – Building Effective Processes


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Learn more about Simon’s business and how Strategy Sprints can change your business and life at

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