Shove Yourself

In Hebrew the word shove means to change direction. Go in another way and stop doing the wrong thing. In English we consider that word to have a negative meaning most of the time. 

If we really consider it though we need someone to shove us sometimes. If we are about to get hit by a train we want someone to shove us out of the way. Well maybe you are in a rut and someone needs to shove you out of it. 

Maybe YOU need to SHOVE YOURSELF out of that rut before someone else does. Don’t wait to lose your job or family or health. Make your own path and start shoving yourself in a new direction. 

You already feel something inside of you pushing and pulling and keeping you up at night. Maybe that is God wanting you to go in another direction so you see the full potential of life. Maybe you have felt it for a long time. Isn’t it time to act on it?