Ken Carfagno shares the vision for a legacy of a father and how he's sharing with his family that choosing family over business is a great way to go in life.

Legacy of a Father: Ken Carfagno’s Story of Choosing Family Over Business – BtR 350

After Ken Carfagno’s wake-up call from an executive who shared that his career success came at the cost of his family life, Ken set out to prove that relationships and treating people like people, not cogs on a wheel, is the key to being a great leader and living life to the fullest.

Ken Carfagno shares the vision for a legacy of a father and how he's sharing with his family that choosing family over business is a great way to go in life.

“Take the word ‘self’ out of ‘self-help’ and focus on helping others and paying it forward without expecting a payment in return.”

You will learn:

1. How to be a great leader and the importance of relationships in the workplace

2. What kids learn from their parents and the long-term impact of parenting

3. The power of helping others and paying it forward without expecting anything in return.

Ken Carfagno is the founder and owner of Smart Cleaning School, and the proud father of Kenny. He is passionate about helping others build strong relationships, and is dedicated to living a life of impact.

Kenny and Ken Carfagno
What are the ways you are choosing family over your business or career? Leave a Comment below this post.

Kenny is also a guest on this episode sharing the lessons he learned from his entrepreneur parents, especially his father, and how he started his own business at 17 years old, Outsource Your Podcast.

Kenny Carfagno, following in his father's footsteps into entrepreneurship, started his own business called Outsource Your Podcast. This is part of the legacy of a father who left a lucrative corporate career choosing family over business.
Kenny Carfagno started Outsource Your Podcast as a teenager and has racked up four years of business experience in the podcast production space. What a wonderful gift for the legacy of a father to help his son find his own way in life.

Chapter Summaries:


One year ago, Ken and I talked about how he left a corporate leadership role to focus on family.


The Family Man starring Nicholas Cage depicts the story of a man who catches a glimpse outside of his corporate rut for what his life could have been like with a family.,q_lossy,to_avif/


Kenny (son) shares: “What I’ve really seen is the freedom they have earned slowly over this time. It’s a different perspective than a lot of the kids my age are seeing. I can choose the freedom of a business, or I could choose to have a job, but it’s my choice.”


Ken (father): “My wife and I want to see our children following Jesus to the fourth generation.” He says health has to become a very important piece of his legacy. 


When you get to the end of your life, you realize what was really important. The time spent with people is what matters most. In the end, it’s all about people and who are the closest people.


Kenny shares something that he has learned from his dad that has helped him when encountering any kind of issue in life. 


Dad is running a podcast editing business called Outsource Your Podcast. He also has a passion for real estate investing. He says he sees multiple streams of income in the future.


Kenny’s final words of wisdom are, “Relationships and people are key.” 


Subscribe on your favorite podcast player.

Connect with Ken Carfagno to learn how to build a successful cleaning business that scales, Smart Cleaning School 

Connect with Kenny for your podcast production needs: Outsource Your Podcast 

Other episodes and articles you’ll enjoy:

How Ken Carfagno Left His Dream Job to Start a Cleaning Business – BtR 299

What Happens When the Host Gets Interviewed? – BtR 300

How to be a Father with Positive Impact EksAyn Anderson – BtR 309

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Jerry Dugan, Kenny Carfagno (Son), Ken Carfagno (Dad)

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  00:00

relationships and people are key. Like the key to anything is to build solid relationships be talking to people, which is one of the biggest reasons I’m here. I’m here to connect with people, and to really like learn about them and to be giving to them, because people aren’t interested in what you want. They’re like, everybody is selfish. And like, that’s a sad truth. But really, by giving people what they want, then they learn to like you and they trust you. And that’s really the key to building anything.

Jerry Dugan  00:32

Hey, Rutter Nation. Welcome to another episode of beyond the rut, the podcast that shares encouraging stories and practical tools to help pull you out of your rut into a life worth living in the areas of your faith, family and career. I’m your host, Jerry Dugan. And in this episode, I’m bringing to you a conversation I had at Podcast Movement 2022 with Kin Carfagno, Noah and his son, Kenny Carfagno. Now the cool thing about kin is that he was a corporate employee on a track to be an Executive leader someday. But he hung that up to become a the owner of a cleaning business. And he’s now the founder and owner of smart cleaning school. In this episode, we’re going to be talking about his father son connection, the legacy that a father can leave with his son, and choosing family over business. With all that we also get to hear from Kenny, and the lessons he’s learned from seeing his father and his mother run a business for pretty much his whole life. Because when Ken left his job, to become the owner of a cleaning business, Kenny was just a baby. So we’re going to hear that story on a deeper level. We’re going to link it back to an old episode that we did. Together. both Kevin and I we met at another podcast movement over in Nashville in 2021. And it’s just a great, it’s a great conversation. So sit back, relax, bust out a notebook. Here we go. All right, I am here with Ken Carfagno and his son Kenny Carfagno. And if you if that name sounds familiar to you, it’s because one year ago, Ken and I did episode 299. We recorded that episode. You’re like, wait, the math doesn’t add up. And that’s right. Because when we did that recording, I had 20 episodes ahead of it, it finally aired as episode 299. And up to 300 was when Ken flipped the squid, flip the script on me and interviewed me for the show. And so we’re here at Podcast Movement 2022 in Dallas, Texas, just down the road from home for me, and I guess down the country, yes, for y’all, because you’re from the East Coast. So here we are, again. How you guys doing?

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  02:44

We’re doing great. It’s great to be here in this booth right now with no my oldest, my oldest son is with Yeah, this is

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  02:51

gonna be fun. Yeah,

Jerry Dugan  02:53

yes. So what we didn’t tell kin is we’re going to tell all the embarrassing stories of your dad, right? Yes. Yeah, so the roasting of not getting

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  03:03

turned back on me now.

Jerry Dugan  03:06

Switch, plot twist. This is gonna be fun, Kenny, this is gonna be awesome. So when Ken and I were on the show, if you if you remember it vividly, like it was episode 299. He and I were talking about like our dreams and our vision of like, what family life should look like for us as men. You know, Ken was pursuing a corporate leadership role. And he was being developed for it trained for it. And one day you had that. That presentation from an executive that just got asked the question that probably was not supposed to be asked by any leader in any company. And that was, what’s your family life like Sir and pindrop in the room? And yeah, and that guy, the executive, you said in that episode, guys, go back beyond the slash 299. And only remember that by the way, because my episode was 301. And that’s how you get there. So it’s all math, guys. So anyway, the the shoulders of that executive who was all pumped up about the direction of the company slumps down Yeah, says to the crowd, if you want to do what I do, don’t expect to have a personal life. And that was like the wake up call for kin that looks like I don’t want to be like that guy. I thought I did. That is not what I want. I don’t want to look back and realize I don’t live at home with my wife and that my kids don’t know who I am. That’s got to be different. And that was like your disengagement from then until they fired you. Which was exactly two years later. Three Three years later, some serious survival by the way, it was that yeah, because I would have fired you within six months like I can you’re not cutting Do you want to be here? No, I don’t. Alright.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  04:34

Then you want to go down? How often I was showing up on time?

Jerry Dugan  04:37

Yeah, not too nice guy when a fire didn’t six months. Like three years.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  04:41

A couple of things though. It was certainly that was a huge piece. And then within a week, I mean, this is God getting a hold of me and saying, like, grabbed me by the neck collar and say, Dude, listen to me. Come to hears this okay? And then it was okay honey. Let’s watch a movie Movie Night. Let’s watch the fam The man, which is my favorite movie? Well, it’s wonderful life than the family man. Have you ever seen ever seen a family man with Nicolas Cage? Oh, that one. I’ll

Jerry Dugan  05:08

tell you talking about the cartoon. Sorry, no, I gotta go back and watch that movie then. Yeah.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  05:15

Family, man. Come on people out there. We on the righty receipt.

Jerry Dugan  05:19

There’s so many of you rolled your eyes. I mean, just now. Come

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  05:21

on, raise your hand. Family Man, Nicolas Cage. Member this. He’s a highfalutin, executive president, President of the company points of the boys the wall. But he had this. He had this. This memory. He had a girlfriend from college. And he was going on a internship for the summer. And she said, Don’t go, don’t go. And it was this moment at the airport. And he says, I’ll just be gone for a little bit. And they were super close. And they would have gotten married, had a family. And he comes back and they don’t they don’t connect really they don’t connect. And he goes on and he was he gone?

Jerry Dugan  05:56

I think this summer, two days. There were maybe they weren’t.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  06:00

He comes he comes back. And he just goes and pursues the career. He pour all in. He became that executive that said, if you want to have my life, he became that guy, president of the company. And you see the life he was living. He had the Lamborghini, he had all the money. But he was so alone on Christmas Eve, you know, a strange woman, I guess one that he knew would come knock on the door and come in. And that was his Christmas and he loved this life. But that’s that’s all he had. He was alone. And then he went into this convenience or you have not seen this. I have not seen this. Yeah, he goes into convenience store to get eggnog or something, right. And there’s a robbery in progress. But it was staged that God coincidental kind of staging, okay. And he goes in like sizes, tries to stop the robbery. And then what happens is the guy that was pretending to hold up the store, he ends up like, do you don’t get it? Like, what do you mean, I don’t get it. He says, you’ve just you’ve just earned yourself a gift. He’s like, What do you mean, I’m gonna give you a glimpse, like snap the finger. And then he’s like, whatever goes back to his room, wakes up. And now that girlfriend, he’s married to her. There’s two kids, and he’s a dad. He’s just dropped from this position in the corporate world. He’s dropped into family life being a dad. Yeah. And now he’s had I guess it’s about a month, he’s got a month where he’s getting to live the life he would have had if he had not left his wife, sweetheart, okay. And it’s so amazing to see this this life because it just shows you the difference between that corporate rut even though he enjoyed it that threat he was in Yeah, to what his life could have been like. And then it gets depressing at the end. Because it’s, you know, he has to go back to his old life and he loses it. And then they’re, they find a way at the end to try and, you know, trying to make it a happy ending. But just the movie just spoke so much to me, I’d seen that movie right at the same time, as that executive told me those words. And those were a couple of those big straws, like, boom, boom, and then the camel’s back. However, that expression goes,

Jerry Dugan  07:57

yeah. Wow. Yeah. And then so you want to disengaging eventually, three years later, they catch up to you on? Yeah, they let you go. And I love like the rest of the story. What you got home and your wife again? That sounds nice. You got like six houses that clean tomorrow, by the way, because if you’d started a cleaning business that would have been great. generalize it like that was that’s the story I tell at the office like, oh, yeah, this guy can. But under that, which I probably shouldn’t tell to my team because I’m like, Hey, wait, what are we doing here? Then? It’s like, guys, fast forward this part if you’re listening. You love working for Jerry. You love working for

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  08:29

Jerry is the best. The best. And this guy next to him? Yeah. Kenny was 10 months old. Oh, you were the baby and the wish the baby. Okay? He was the baby. He no longer he’s taller than me now. Yeah.

Jerry Dugan  08:43

Yeah. How old? Are you now? Kenny?

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  08:44

I am 1717 High School? Yes, senior?

Jerry Dugan  08:47

Yes. All right. Cool. That’s a good guess. 5050 shows? Pretty much somewhere in there. Yeah. Awesome. And so Kenny, you’ve seen your dad like him as a business person. self employed at first running a business. Eventually, the business changed over time. What would you say are some of the lessons you picked up from seeing your dad and your mom run a business like that, as opposed to a nine to five job?

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  09:11

Well, what I’ve really gotten to see as the freedom they have earned so slowly over this time, and just like it’s a different perspective than like a lot of the kids my age are seeing like they see their parents go into work doing all that doing their nine to five, but I get to see this whole new world. And I see so many more options like you you tell me that that when you were my age that you were like you saw your parents go into work and like that, that’s all you thought were the options were but now I see like there’s these two different worlds and I can choose the freedom of a business or I could choose to have a job but it’s it’s my choice. And I can like that’s what I really have loved about growing Morpheus environment if

Jerry Dugan  09:49

you do get a nine to five job, like you at least understand, like some of the boundaries and the things that are at stake because Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that’s something I tend to surprise people about that, you know, I don’t want to put so many hours of work into the office. I could. But, you know, at the end of the day, you know, when I die, I don’t want to be like, Yeah, I was known for answering all my emails.

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  10:11

Woohoo. Yeah, you want to make an impact in the world? People remember you. Yeah, come to your funeral. Like, who are all these people, that people that you made an impact on with the things that you did with your life? Not just that I made money or whatever? Yeah,

Jerry Dugan  10:23

exactly. I know, people who prided themselves like coming into the office on a Sunday to check their email or to sign off on timesheet, and it’s like, wow, but didn’t your son have a football game that day? Or like, Hey, did your family go to church and you came to the office like,

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  10:38

huh, so funny. Related slash unrelated thing? We’re taking the airplane down from Philadelphia to Dallas, and we got rerouted because there was a massive Yeah, on Monday, so we needed that rain

Jerry Dugan  10:48

here, by the way. Well, I’m

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  10:49

sure you’ll take it. You didn’t need to be stranded in Arkansas for today. No.

Jerry Dugan  10:53

Better stay tuned. Cuz I’m sorry. I’m just sorry, Billy. If

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  10:57

you’re listening. We were stranded. But here’s what was was interesting. This guy, you know, he’s watching what show? Is he watching like 12 episodes? He’s laughing. What

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  11:09

do you watch? I watched the office. Oh, man.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  11:12

So these are funny. I mean, the epitome of the epitome of the rut is the show The Office? Yeah, Dwight. Right. Like he’s so he’s watching. He’s watching this the whole time on the plane. And wouldn’t you know at that just a few days later, you’re on an interview with a, you know, a podcast that’s getting out of the rut, and you saw people and you think it’s funny. Yes, they are. That’s their life. That really is it? Like that’s why I was explaining to you. It’s funny to me, because I used to be in that desk. And I experienced that, right? You think it’s funny? Because they’re just goofballs. Right? Right? Yeah, yeah.

Jerry Dugan  11:47

I’ve seen some of the scenes actually. Life like training events, or, you know, people raiding the fridge in the break room, you’re like, that is a TV show. Right? Does that just happen here in real life? So it’s, it blows my mind, I guess. It’s like, it’s art imitating life in a sense. It’s like, you know, some of the funnier things that happen in the office that shouldn’t that cross boundaries and so on. But yeah, that is that is something right there. But yeah, I think freedom is a really important thing that you picked up on because you see that now you were homeschooled, or Yeah,

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  12:19

so like, it’s a it’s another thing too, because it’s like the two worlds again, like there’s the world of going to school. It’s almost like a kid is nine to five. Yeah. And then I have homeschool. So I still have that freedom. I’ve gotten to experience that freedom throughout all my school years. Yeah, that’s just like a preview of what it’d be like, oh, yeah, entrepreneur.

Jerry Dugan  12:35

And it’s kind of neat, in a sense. So the most, some people think that not going to a regular school is a double edged sword. I mean, we sent ours to public school, mainly because we just didn’t want to do it. So it was like that we’re like, okay, but we got to be prepared to talk to them about the things they experienced in school, like they’re going to, they’re going to see a dark side of life. And we’re not going to be as close during the day. So we got to be intentional at night when they get home. Which by the way, you know, before the Industrial Age parents and their kids were side by side a lot. Unless, you know, one of the parents took off on a voyage for months, or years. I mean, in a group Aryan society that was agricultural. Yeah, the kids were on the farm just like mom and dad. And, you know, if, if you worked in an office, kids were in the shop

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  13:22

and son. Yeah, it was the name of the businesses downtown. Yeah. And son Jerry

Jerry Dugan  13:27

and son Sanford sin and son Sanford, and, man, you’ve never seen that show. He is Redfox

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  13:34

I gotta I got something I think is a good kind of tangent off of the legacy piece. Something that I have been really pondering. And it’s been formulating like a life of life goal, a life mission. And I because we did this interview last year, we touched on so many topics, we totally Yeah, we dug into family into work into health into spiritual. And I know that your audience, there are a lot of Christians in the audience. Yeah. So so. Yeah, exactly. So I want to share this with you, me being a Christian, me personally, having a goal my wife and I, that we are disciples, it’s like that’s very important to us. We’re a follower of Jesus. And this is something that like, when asked the question, what is like your life’s mission? And I think about it, when I see our first son coming up to age you become an adult, wow, this is actually happening. And he’s following Jesus just like we are just like we’ve we’ve we’ve prayed, and this is what we, we have desired a life of time and freedom, not that we have achieved a hyper level of we, but we’ve been home, we’ve been able to pour into our children for as many years as God has allowed us to. And so here’s the life the life vision mission that my wife and I have. And it’s for Theresa Moya, Teresa for Teresa and I, to see our children following Jesus to the fourth generation. Oh wow. To see our children following Jesus to the fourth generation and actually hear that because it opens up like different avenues of ruts people can be in. So first of all, when I say that, okay, that means that the math on that is not really good, like, fourth generation. That means I’m a great, great grandfather. Yeah. And to see them following Jesus, that means I’d like to see them receive Jesus and then get baptized. Oh, you

Jerry Dugan  15:20

don’t count as the first generation ninja? Oh, no healthy. No,

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  15:23

no. So you talk about the math on that I’d have to be about 100 years old. Yeah. And so that’s many years, that means health. Any good Adam, any health runs, I’m in health has to become a very important piece I need to stay eating well, sleeping, well, exercising? Well, health needs to be important. I can’t just write it in, I need to be there. Because if I do all these other things, and I die at seven years old, then I didn’t hit that goal. And then a second component is I need to be available, be home, the discipling my children, and then when the next generation comes, I’m a part of discipling, my grandchildren, and my children are cycling through and children, and so on to get the third generation, I have an opportunity to disciple and be a part of the lives of my great grandchildren. And I’m still walking around because I’m in good health. And so there’s a lot of things that this insinuates is that health is going to be something vital to my wife and I, and then following Jesus herself and be always being a good example. There’s not a lot of wiggle room, we need to continue to be the examples that we want to propagate through the generations. And so that kind of a thing, I think about everything, I’m doing legacy, you can call that legacy, right? Everything I’m doing could have I mean, it’s going to have an impact generations down the road. Yeah.

Jerry Dugan  16:41

And it’s a long game, too. So it’s not like, Hey, Kenny, graduated, we’re done. Now, let’s go back to be like everybody else. It’s like, you gotta keep striving for that improvement, and then holding that grace to let

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  16:55

you hear the stories of the people. And then in their deathbed, you ask them so you know, what’s your biggest regret? And it’s painful. There’s people that have written books on this, like, what’s the what do they say? What are the common answers? And they never say like, like, we were joking before the episode started, you know how good you do what you’re How great. You weren’t your office, how many reports you completed? It’s how much impact you have in a business you ran? No, they always say I regret that I didn’t spend more time with my kids. It’s cats in the cradle. It’s all the stuff that they wish they would have done. When you get to the end of your life, you realize what was really important. So I’m like, why don’t I just make those things important? Now,

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  17:30

no one’s ever said, Man, I wish I would have checked more emails. Right? Yeah, that’s not a thing. Someone says that their deathbed. You

Jerry Dugan  17:35

know, man, I wish I got an A on that book report. Yeah, that book report.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  17:40

I wish I started that one more podcast. Yeah.

Jerry Dugan  17:41

And it just, you know that the time spent with people is what matters most. And somebody shared that with me that, you know, when we’re talking about like our walk in, in our faith as Christians, that it’s not how many times you go to church, it’s not how many times you pray. It’s not how much you give to the church. In the end. It’s all about people. And you know, who are the closest people we need to be pouring into it’s us as parents pouring into our kids pouring into each other as parents. And then at some point, you trust that the kids go on and pour into the next generation, so no pressure Kenny.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  18:18

So on the way on the flight from Philadelphia to Atlanta, a couple of days ago, they were teasing me because get on their plane, it’s 525 takeoff, and I meet this incredible friend, his name is Mike Eddie. So Mike, if you’re out there listening to this, you’re like, wait, I talked to the guy on the airplane now and being talked about on a podcast, Mike Eddie, 70 years old. He’s got night, he’s got seven children. 19 grandchildren, and we talked the entire flight from Philadelphia to Atlanta. I don’t I have not done that. This was two hours, two hours

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  18:51

straight through. And here’s the thing I was sitting in the middle of them. I was just stuck like leaning back.

Jerry Dugan  18:56

And are you stuck like, like cat looking at laser like exactly like back and forth, back and forth. It was like a buff neck. But

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  19:04

to me, this is the route. But the part that I absolutely love just listening to his story, his life story and to see that he’s built a successful financial planning wealth advisor company and, and he’s out traveling with friends all over Europe. He’s coming back home to see his 19 grandchildren. He also has been able his family has been able to stay together all in the Atlanta areas. There’s not many of them that have like left. It’s not like I have seven kids in seven different states. He all of his grandchildren can come to the house on Sunday for brunch or after church. And then that the thing he told me he writes like some kind of an article, a newsletter. I don’t remember all the details of it. But one of the questions was like Mike, what’s the meaning of life and he has a lot of perspective. He’s a fellow Christian man is like meaning of life. And you can go so many different directions with this. And he has explained he’s got friends that view view this differently, how they view success, how they view the meaning of life, and he says to him, it’s related chips. Yeah, it’s just simple. It’s relationships. It’s all about people. Yeah, it’s all about people, you know, the secret

Jerry Dugan  20:05

to being a great leader relationships and treating your people like people, not cogs in a wheel. And that that’s coming from a guy who was a military leader, like, you know, my team felt the safest. Were willing to do the most for the mission, when I treated them, like a human being a smart human being who can make their own decisions, given the right information, given all the information to process and then given my intent, this is what I need to get done. This is what we have to work with. And the ones who felt motivated and trusted me. I felt that they have that connection. They’re like, yes, we’ll go knock this out. And then they’ll go above and beyond you’re like, wow. And then the ones I did not have good rapport with, which only like one guy really. He would just find a way to disappear for an hour or two and then we’d all go looking for him. Come on, I can’t say his name because well, I’m not on Facebook anymore. So his name is now

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  20:55

vital I mean, we’re involved in in ministry for building men called the role Rangers at our church. It’s a very active ministry. It’s It’s global. And I can remember situations he was younger, he’s been involved in a he’s he’s reached the highest point, which is called the GMAT equivalent of a eagle scout for Boy Scouts. Okay. And I remember just situations like the opposite of that. Well, you just mentioned with the military, there’s boys that were kind of troublemakers, but they were the leaders of the pack. Yeah. And if I went in there and just started telling them, Hey, boys, you got to do this, because I’m the authority figure, right? I’m the adult, they wouldn’t listen now. But when I would go connect with them, and just get to know them, like, tell me about your family, what do you like to do and just connect with them earn, earn their trust, earn the respect. And then when I would ask them to do something, they would start listening and better yet, when other kids weren’t listening to me, they would go, Hey, listen to commander can and they would they would fight for me. They were on my side. Yeah, it was that relationship that connecting with them as a person, getting to know them showing the expression, people don’t care how much you know, yeah, until they know how much you care. Right. Exactly,

Jerry Dugan  21:56

exactly. That’s what they teach people who are going through school to learn how to be teachers, that that phrase right there. So Kenny, question for you is, you know, what’s something that you’ve learned from your dad that he may not know, you learned from him? That is just resonated with you whenever you encounter any kind of issue in life?

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  22:16

Oh, that’s a hard question.

Jerry Dugan  22:18

Yes, it is. Now, I’m gonna edit this and it’ll sound like you came up with the answer like that. Yes.

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  22:24

It did make you sounds so smart, right? Yes. Thank you. You’re welcome. All right. Um, we’ll just, we’re talking about like relationships and people. So like, that’s definitely something just watching him interact with with people. And the way he does things is it’s never to take things it’s always, always giving. It’s the given, like, I’ve learned, I’ve been digging into like, self help books recently. And I’m seeing a consistent thread of the key to success is giving, giving, giving, having relationships with people, like that’s a pretty big thing. And I feel like that’s something I’ve definitely learned. And there have been like, there’s definitely parts where I Dad has taught me, like, outright, all this stuff. But like, it’s a like examples, one of the best teachers to

Jerry Dugan  23:12

Yeah, oh, yeah. Cuz I think with my own kids, especially, like, they never really did what I said, they definitely did what I did, you got to practice what you preach. Yeah. And I mean, right down to now those who are listening, don’t see this. But in the army, we have this thing, this gesture we call the knife hand, because it’s not polite to point in the army. It’s not polite to point anywhere. So you have your fingers all together. And you point like that, hey, I need you to go knock out this, or I need you to go do that. And so we call it knife hand because it’s like a knife cutting two things. Well, turns out my first couple years being a parent, I was also starting to do again. So I pointed a lot like that. Just out of habit. And one day, we’re driving somewhere and our kids are fighting in the back seat. They’re arguing like my daughter’s two, my son is four, something like that. Maybe three and five, but they’re real little. And I don’t know what they’re arguing about. But I hear my son yell to her my daughter who’s younger, and like he says, didn’t you hear me say no. And in the rearview mirror, I see this little hand going across this knife hand, this five year old boy knife hand going across like that. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, my son just did knife hand. And as soon as I was thinking that I hear this three year old little girl voice say, Did you hear me say yes. And her knife hand went the other way. And so they were like overlapping knife hands, and I just started dying. I had to pull over laughing so hard. And my wife’s like, what I’m like, they just knife hand at each other. And know when it’s hilarious. And so my wife was like, you probably need to stop doing that. And like, I know, they just knife hated each other. It’s crazy. Did you hear me say no? Did anybody say yes. And they go, Oh my gosh, that I still crack up about it. They don’t remember doing that. But it’s seared in my mind. So oh man. And we’ve talked about fatherhood we’ve talked about You know how family is so important relationships are so important. We’ve tied it into leadership, we’ve tied it into parent. And you know, from that, you know, we’re getting close to that time to wrap up. So like, what’s the thing I want to do? Normally, what I’ll do is I’ll offer up the opportunity for you to have a final word of wisdom. So since Ken already got one last time he was on the show, Kenny, actually, first before we even get to that, you know, what’s on the horizon for you? Because you’re, you’re here a Podcast Movement, not just to hang out with dad. I mean, you are. But you’re, you’re actually with your own, like name tag, and it has like a consulting or editing firm on it. Tell us about that. Because I want to hear a little bit about that. So it’s like, Apple didn’t fall far from the tree here.

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  25:41

All right. So I am running a podcast editing business called outsource your podcast. And what I’m doing is I’m the people who will give me their raw shows, sort of like the show. And I’ll do everything, basically from it. And I’ll like, I’ll edit it, process it and get it onto the host. So that they don’t have to think about it. Yeah, so I’m doing that. And I want to be actually want to grow that out more, eventually, to have a team actually have a passion for real estate investing, too. Okay, so I want to be able to grow my podcast editing business to fuel my real estate business. Nice. So I have like two but like one in the same? Yeah. So that’s, that’s what I see in the future for myself. But I mean, we’ll see we got to Yeah.

Jerry Dugan  26:25

Oh, yeah. It’s multiple streams of income, too. Oh, yeah. So that is really cool. Is that? Yeah, cuz there are people out there, who would they have a great message, but they have no confidence in their ability to handle technology. And then there are people who are like, hey, I can handle technology, like nothing.

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  26:41

And yeah, cuz if you have a great message on a podcast, but you don’t know how to communicate that through the podcast, it can, it can make you not seem like the expert that you really are. Yeah. So it’s by taking the maybe if he audio files, and you make make them sound professional, but still really authentic, as who they really authentic as to who they are. It gives them that expertise. And it makes them the authority in their industry.

Jerry Dugan  27:08

Nice, nice. And then if people want to reach out to you to have you work on their show, where is the best way for them to go to get in contact with you?

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  27:15

Probably via website, which is outsource your

Jerry Dugan  27:19

That’s simple. Right there. Yeah. Yeah. I should have done that with my first website.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  27:23

I did my interview.

Jerry Dugan  27:24

I know. You did. Good. Did good dad. All right. So what are your final words of wisdom for those listening? In final words

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  27:32

of wisdom? Yeah. Maybe for the kids, whoever the kids that people listening?

Jerry Dugan  27:35

Yeah, listen to Gabriel from this morning’s keynote, right, let’s start tapping into the next generation, because they’re growing up with these devices. This will probably be on YouTube, by the way. So yeah, so Kenny, no pressure, final words of wisdom to those.

Kenny Carfagno (Son)  27:49

It’s related to what I was saying earlier, like relationships, and people are key, like, the key to anything, is to build solid relationships, be talking to people, which is one of the biggest reasons I’m here, I’m here to connect with people, and to really like learn about them and to be giving to them, because people aren’t interested in what you want. They’re like, everybody is selfish. And like, that’s, it’s a sad truth. But really, by giving people what they want, then they learn to they like you, and they trust you. And that’s really the key to building anything.

Jerry Dugan  28:22

Now I once heard from a 19-year-old Well, I didn’t hear directly from the 19 year old, because he had passed away from cancer. But I heard from his father that one of the things that son Hayden would say is why we need to take the word self out of self help. And so hearing you say that, that is good, wow. There’s something about our youth that they get it, they understand servant leadership, they understand the power of helping others and paying it forward and not expecting a payment in return. So that’s really powerful. Kenny, thanks for dragging your dad back in here. And welcome might have been the other way around. But yeah, and also a special shout out to HubSpot. They have these two booths here at Podcast Movement. And so they’re letting podcasters jump in here at one hour blocks. And I already used up my one hour block, we’re actually using somebody else’s so whoever flakes on your 430 block here at Podcast Movement, we thank you because we got to have this conversation. And yes, I mean, this is only day two, I will be staking out this place. And every time there is a flake, I’m jumping in and take an opportunity unless you guys are doing it to take shape charting it. You get the 30 Minute out get the on the hour. We got those. Yeah, back on tomorrow. Dude, it’s gonna be like, Who are these guys? I really hear like half the time. Awesome. Well, guys, thanks so much for being on the show. And we’ll just keep trucking along and live in life to the fullest.

Ken Carfagno (Dad)  29:44

That was good. Thanks so much, Jerry. Now,

Jerry Dugan  29:47

I hope you got a lot of insights and inspiration from kin and Kenny’s story in this conversation. I know I did. I love these guys. I love talking with them. I’m friends with them. We stay in touch All the good things. Now you can check out the show notes at beyond the 350. And if you’re looking for a way to map out your life so that you’re choosing success on your terms in the areas of your faith, family, fitness, finances and your future, then I recommend you buy a copy of my book Beyond the rut. Create a life worth living in your faith, family and career. It’s available on Amazon. Just go to Search beyond the rut. Get yourself a copy. If you buy a copy, you get a free copy of the audiobook. There you go. Now I’m glad you joined me this week. I look forward to joining you again on the next episode. But until then, go live life beyond the rut. Take care