There is a lot of talk about why your new year’s resolutions do not work. Let’s get past the clickbait and talk about what are good goals for work and life.

There are quite a few articles out on the internet on why your goals and new year’s resolutions won’t work. Reading the headlines alone can be enough for you to throw in the towel before you even start moving the needle toward your success.
Setting goals is more than just aiming for the end result. Learn how activity-based goals can help you stay on track and push you to success, and why outcome-based goals are important to keep you motivated.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. What are activity-based goals and outcome-based goals?
2. Many of us set outcome-based goals and that is not enough.
3. You can control your activities. Therefore, activity-based goals are essential to building momentum and achieving your outcome-based goals.
Table of Contents
What Are Good Goals for Work and Life (Two Types)?
Outcome-Based Goals
Outcome-based goals focus on the end result. For example, “I want to lose 20 pounds before summer”, “I want to be promoted to manager this year” or “I want to buy a house”.
While outcome-based goals can provide a clear vision of what you want to achieve, they can sometimes fail if that is all you have because you are missing the actions that get you there. Without clear action steps, it can be difficult to know how to achieve these goals, and easy to lose motivation when progress is not as visible.
Additionally, outcome-based goals can be difficult to measure and can be affected by external factors beyond your control, which can make it hard to know when you’ve achieved them. In order to be successful, it’s important to have both types of goals, outcome-based goals for direction and activity-based goals for action steps, and to track progress.
Activity-Based Goals
Activity-based goals focus on the actions and habits that lead to achieving a desired outcome. They are specific, measurable, and time-bound, and are often focused on the process rather than the end result. For example, an activity-based goal could be “I will go to the gym 3 times a week for the next month” or “I will spend 30 minutes each day on learning a new language”. These type of goals are focused on developing a new habit or improving a skill that will help you reach your outcome-based goals. They are also more manageable and less daunting than outcome-based goals, which can make them more achievable.
Chapter Summaries:
Two types of goals you need to have in the same goal.
Activity-based goals vs outcome-based.
You have to have two types of goals simultaneously: outcome-based and activity-based.
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Jerry Dugan 00:00
Hey, what’s going on Rutter Nation. This is Jerry and I’m bringing to you another episode or mini episode called Jerry shorts. It’s an offshoot of beyond the rut. So it’s that mini episode that’ll get you through the weekend into the new week. And this time around, I want to talk about goals because I came across an interview on another podcast and the whole the guest actually, it said, This is why your, your goals for your podcast don’t work. And it was kind of knocking the whole idea of goals at first, you know, very click Beatty type of title. But it got me it made me look and I’m like wait goals work, you just got to create them correctly. And so there are two types of goals you really need to have in the umbrella of one goal. So you have what they call out come based goals. And that’s the outcome you want to have. It could be I want to earn a certain amount of salary per year, it could be I want to become a nurse by a certain year, it could be I want a promotion to vice president or president or I want to run for office isn’t I’m talking about presidencies type of thing. So that’s those are all outcome based goals. They’re things you want to have in your life. But you really don’t have control of making that specific thing happen. What you do have control over all your actions. And so you need to have activity based goals as well. And if you look at the new year resolution worksheet that I put together at the start of the year, that is available to you for free, if you go to beyond the year, I’m just going to leave that up all year long, and see if anybody else likes it, because you can always draw a line in the sand and say now is a new year. So if that’s the case for you, great, go for it. So activity based goals support your outcome based goals. So if we want to say for example, I want to be debt free by the end of the year, then that’s your outcome based goal, debt free. Now, how do you get there? Well, there are certain things you need to do. So your activity based goals could be things like, every two weeks, when I get a paycheck, I am going to put X percentage of my paycheck into savings, so that I don’t use the credit card anymore, when another emergency comes up. Another activity based goal would be every two weeks, I’m going to set aside this amount, say $300 Extra to pay down that first credit card debt in the next three months. So that’s something you can control every two weeks, you’re gonna pay extra $300 towards a credit card debt that’s removed and you start doing the debt snowball that becomes another activity based goal. So then the next debt Allah eradicate is credit card number two, or the gas card or my student loan, whatever it is, I am now going to pay an extra 350 to $400 towards that debt. And so by the end of the year, I will have regretted eradicated this debt. And this one, I didn’t quite become debt free. However, I am that much closer. Now during the year, some emergencies popped up. Because I was setting aside an emergency fund, I was able to use that as opposed to credit, and I was moving forward in the game. So that is an example of activity based credit, activity based goals. And it leads towards your outcome based goal of to be debt free. So for those of us who are podcasters, maybe you want to be in the top 1% of listen that directory that shows you almost everybody. And if you’re the top 10%, you’re ranked that good thing. Well, that’s something that you and I have no control over as podcasters. What we do have control over is things like how many episodes am I going to publish in the year? And how many shows will I be a guest on to help promote my show, while sharing my message in a way that helps the audiences of these other shows. So what what can I do to bring value to other shows, and help drive listenership to my own show. So activity based goals will be number of shows I’m going to be a guest on and how many episodes I’m going to publish on my own. And maybe we’ll throw in improving SEO of my website. They sound like real goals of mine, right? Because they kind of are. So those are the things I can control. And I can do and if I do those things consistently, I should see the needle move on the out based outcome based goal of being in the top 1% of podcasts on Listen notes. There’s a lot of reasons I love that not just a vanity thing. It has a lot of other connotations to it. So there you have it. Your Goals can work for you. You just need to have two types of goals simultaneously. You have to have your outcome based goal this is what I want to achieve by a certain date. And these are the means I’ll get there and then activity based goals are these are the activities I’m going to do and the things I will measure to help me measure my progress. Because you’ll find a correlation that I did these things, I did them right, and I saw the needle move in the direction I wanted, or I did not do these things. And therefore, I did not see the needle move the way I wanted. Or maybe it’s the third thing, I did these things. And I still didn’t see the needle move, I need to reevaluate the activities. So I gotta measure it. To make it, you got to have these two types of goals. I talked about it in that new year resolution worksheet that I mentioned beyond year. But if you want to go all in actually just start there. If you haven’t written your goals down ever, or it’s been a long time since you have start with that sheet, it’ll help kind of break it down for you. It’ll say, what’s your New Year’s resolution? That’ll be your goal. Write it in smart format, at Alaska, What’s your why? Why do you want to do it? And then it’ll break down and start asking you your activity based goals. So what are you going to do every single week to get to that goal? And what are you going to measure every single month to know that you’re working to get towards that goal? So there you have it. This has been another Jerry short as part of beyond the rut podcast. You can find the show notes for this one at beyond the s 007. Anyway, guys, go live life beyond the rut. Take care