After making an unlikely connection with Lee Cockerel, the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World, Jody Maberry embarks on a journey full of unexpected twists and turns, discovering not only how to make his own luck, but how to offer more and ask for more, ultimately creating a “Creating Magic” Mastermind that will help him and others reach their career goals.

“You make your own luck quite often. Two, I was ready for the opportunity when it came. And three, one of the ways you become more successful or there’s two, I’ll say two. One of them is to ask more, and two is to offer more.” – Jody Maberry
Jody Maberry is an experienced podcast host and mentor, having hosted the Jody Maberry Show and the Park Leader Show, as well as co-hosting the Creating Disney Magic podcast with Lee Cockerel. He has also founded the Phoenix Club, a mastermind group for entrepreneurs.
Jody Maberry was determined to make the most of his podcasting opportunity. He reached out to Lee Cockerell, the executive vice president of Walt Disney World, and was surprised to find out his sister-in-law was a park ranger. Through the podcast, Jody and Lee became business partners, friends, and mentors.
Jody’s persistence and ambition led to unexpected opportunities, like being invited to speak at Podcast Movement with Bob Berg in the audience, and creating the Morning Magic Planner. Through his relationship with Lee, Jody was able to help Lee create new possibilities, and he was inspired to start The Phoenix Club to share his knowledge and network with others.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. Uncovering the Benefits of Having a Mentor: Learn how having a mentor can help you achieve your goals and open up new possibilities.
2. Experiencing the Power of Mastermind Groups: Discover how diverse groups of people can come together to help each other with big opportunities or challenges.
3. Exploring the Phoenix Club: Uncover why this online group is focused on networking and getting to know people, and why there is no long-term commitment.
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Other episodes you’ll enjoy:
How Creating Disney Magic Changed the Life of Jody Maberry – BtR 170
Jody Maberry Reflects on Being a Small Business Owner in Podcasting – BtR 169
Just Take Action and Other Insights from Jody Maberry – BtR 027
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Jody Maberry 00:00:00
All right. Hey, Jody, thanks for calling in from Washington. How are you doing?
Jerry Dugan 00:00:04
I am great, Jerry. We are having a fabulous October here. We’re not here to talk about the weather. I know that. But when it’s October and not raining in the state of Washington, it is a glorious day.
Jody Maberry 00:00:16
Nice. It’s kind of like in Texas when it’s not a three digit temperature, it’s a cold front. It’s nice. So I think we’re in, like, the 80s right now in our neck of the woods.
Jerry Dugan 00:00:27
Neck of the woods. Oh, my gosh. I am truly a Texan. I have to tell my wife.
This is officially your third time on the show, so this is your three Pete moment. Now, we found a way to take those two interviews and kind of stretch them out into multiple parts, but that’s not the point. The point is we got you back, and on this particular episode, you’ve been doing a lot. And when I see what you’re working on and I see the experiences you’re having, there are two things that pop into mind around the idea of achieving goals, and that is mentors and mastermind. So my hope is that we have, like, a mentorship versus mastermind kind of discussion. It’s not one or the other, but just what’s the difference between the two? How do they help you achieve your goals and all that good stuff? I guess, to kick it off, mentoring you yourself. You have your own show, the Jody Maybury Show. And you have another one park Leader show. But then the one that really has exposed you to a mentor is creating Disney Magic. And you’ve talked about it in the past, but just remind folks, and especially, you know, let folks know who are hearing you for the first time, you know, how has podcasting opened you up to mentors?
Jody Maberry 00:01:34
Oh, Jerry, I almost feel like I’m just making up a story when I tell this, because it’s so unlikely. When I started my first podcast, which was The Park Leader Show, I had no idea where podcasting would take me. But one place it did take me was to meet Lee Cockerel, who was the executive vice president of Walt Disney World for ten years. So for ten years, he ran Disney World. The whole thing. Disney World is the size of San Francisco at the time, had 45,000 employees, and Lee Cockerel was it. He ran the whole thing. I reached out to him, asked him to come on the show to be a park or to talk to park rangers, and had no idea his sister in law had been a park ranger for 30 years. So he was willing to come on the show. I mean, that was a bit of luck, wasn’t it? Yeah, that it happened that way. And he did a great job. I asked him to come back a second time, talk about a second book, and that just led to us doing a show together. Now we’re at over 400 episodes. Off the top of my head, I don’t remember how many, over 400 episodes. And it led to doing live events together, doing the Cockerel Academy together. We’ve done so much together. So he’s been a business partner, a friend, and most importantly, a mentor because he’s seen it all, he’s done it all, and I get the chance to come to him for any question I have, not just business, but family and parenting and relationships and finance, anything. I get to come to him. And that’s the great thing about a mentor. You haven’t asked this yet because we’re still talking about podcasting, but it came to mind. So I’m going to tell you that’s one of the great things about a mentor is so much of it is tailored to you personally. So there are different, at least a classic mentor, what you think of when you think of a mentor, that’s one of the great things. It is tailored, and I can ask the individual questions about whatever is going on. And so jumping ahead a little bit just to talk about that, when it comes to achieving goals and you have access to a mentor, and you can come and say, I’m struggling with this, or I’m facing something I’ve not seen before, can you help me out? That’s what I’ve really got the most out of a mentor. Now we can jump right back into podcasting because that was the question you asked. Podcasting exposed me to different things. Well, that has been the biggest one because I started with the Park Leader show. The second show was creating Disney magic with Lee Cockerel. And that show has been wildly popular, exposed me to so many people. In fact, Lee and I were having coffee at Coffee for the Soul in Orlando, and someone came up from behind me to introduce themselves because he recognized my voice. Wow, the show. How crazy is that? Things like that happening.
Jerry Dugan 00:04:35
I mean, it’s a very distinctive voice, too, by the way. Now, the way you approached Lee about the show is also a big nugget for folks to take away. And Jody hadn’t mentioned it yet, but the story of the legend is that Jody went to Lee and said, hey, you ought to have a podcast. I could host it for you. You’d be on there, and you basically are doing the wisdom in it. And I’m probably butchering the story itself, but Lee basically said, yes, I’ll do it. As long as you’re doing the work, you set up the recording, you edit, you get it out there, I’ll be on there with you. Did I get that right?
Jody Maberry 00:05:13
That’s right. I’m going to retell it. Jerry, you’re not that far off. But I want to retell it just so I can highlight something. Normally I’d say, yeah, you’re right. But there’s something here I want to highlight is after the second episode, I really enjoyed Lee. He had now been on two episodes. The feedback was great. People really liked him. And I thought, gosh, if Lee had a podcast, I would listen to it, as if that would be enough reason to convince him to do it. But I said, Lee, have you ever thought about having your own podcast? He was 70 years old at the time, and he said, I’m sure it would be fun, but I’m retired. I want to feel like I’m retired. Even though it’d be fun. I don’t want to take on any extra work. It was not my plan, but when he said that, I just jumped in and said, well, what if I do all the work and you only have to show up? He thought about it, called me two weeks later, and said, yes, let’s do it. The point that needs to be made there is part of what happened was luck. Because his sister in law was a park ranger, because all these other factors. The other piece, though, is I was ready. I was good enough where I could make an offer that I could back up, and I asked. So, yes, there was some luck, but you make your own luck quite often. Two, I was ready for the opportunity when it came. And three, one of the ways you become more successful or there’s two, I’ll say two. One of them is to ask more, and two is to offer more.
Jerry Dugan 00:06:55
It’s brilliant. Yeah. So many times we talk ourselves out of something, right? Like, oh, that person will never talk to me. They’re too alist. I can never get into that show, or, I can never get onto that stage, or I can never get my foot in the door for that interview. And the reality is, you just offer your best foot forward and ask, what’s the worst that could happen? Right. Somebody says no.
Jody Maberry 00:07:19
That’s right. Well, what happens, though, Jerry, is we too often say no for other people, because I could have this idea, and I say, no, Jerry probably wouldn’t want to do that. And then I don’t ask, so I’ve said no for you. But Jerry is an adult. I should let him say no for himself. So just ask for more and let it happen. And you never know. Maybe the person says no, but it comes back around. You’ve planted a seed, and you just never know. So let people say no for themselves.
Jerry Dugan 00:07:51
Nice. Yeah. And your relationship with Lee Cockrell over the years, now your business is around helping people start a podcast. You’ve helped launch multiple podcasts. You’ve almost created a niche without really intentionally creating a niche among Disney leaders. Jeff Noelle, I believe if Disney ran your life, Dugan Cockerel name might sound familiar. What would you say are some of the biggest things that came out of that connection with Lee over the years?
Jody Maberry 00:08:24
Being exposed to high level executives has certainly been one. When you work with someone like Lee Cockrell and you do a great job, people notice. And then that leads to other people reaching out and saying, can you do for me what you do for him? So that’s been a great one. It’s given me opportunities that certainly wouldn’t have been there before. So just being there, doing great work and gosh, that’s such a good endorsement to have someone like Lee saying, yeah, he does good work. His endorsement is better than that. But that’s the short period.
Jerry Dugan 00:09:05
Were you doing speaking engagements before you even connect with Lee? Or have you seen, like, a connection there? Was he the one to give you the swift kick in the pants that say, Get out there on the stage?
Jody Maberry 00:09:15
I had started doing them locally, wherever I could find an opportunity. I live in a small town, though, so it’s not like there were that many opportunities. But I would speak to the Home Builders Association, the Economic Development Council, the Coworking Space had a series of speaking engagements they would put on. So I was speaking at things like that. And then the first big stage I was on, Lee Cockroach and I spoke at Podcast Movement in Fort Worth back in 2015. That was the first big one. And then from there, it’s just gotten better. But my goodness, for being my first big stage outside of just speaking local, and I’m on stage with Lee Cockrell, the guy that ran Disney World. And then I look as if that’s not enough, I look out in the audience, and although I didn’t know him yet, that’s Aaron Walker was there, so he came up after to talk to us. But I did recognize Bob Berg, the author of The Go Giver. And I’m thinking, how did this happen? I’m on stage with Lee Cockrell, and there’s Bob Berg out in the audience and gosh for the first big speaking engagement. That was something.
Jerry Dugan 00:10:31
Yes. It’s just every story I’ve heard about somebody who had a really good mentor, or any mentor for that matter, is the number of doors that open. Not just literal ones in terms or metaphorical ones. I guess that would be because a literal one would be an actual door. Jerry. Got it. Okay. Got it. So, metaphorically, the doors have opened. You’ve met new people, you met more executives, you’ve met more and more folks. That just expanded your horizon. And the other opening of doors of possibilities, just thinking about and having a mindset that embraced more possibilities than what you had before. And sometimes I even hear that mentors themselves grow. What ways would you say that you’ve noticed because you can’t speak for Lee, but in what ways have you noticed Lee has grown because of the partnership you’ve had?
Jody Maberry 00:11:21
I think one of the areas, one of the things I’ve brought to Lee is to realize the possibilities that are there for him. Now, you would think okay. He ran Disney World. He has his first book, creating Magic. All four of his books are great. Creating Magic, though, is a tremendous seller. Even now. It came out 11-12 years ago. Still a tremendous seller. He speaks all over the world, but he had never thought of doing a podcast. He had never thought of having small private events of his own. He hadn’t done a lot of the stuff that we’re doing. So just to see that his possibilities have opened, and now he thinks in a different way of, we can take this and make it available. For example, he is a big planner. One of his books is time management. Magic. He always carries his daytimer. One of the questions he was getting constantly was, lee, tell us your morning routine. How do you plan every day? Which is a valid question. This is someone who ran Disney World. You would think, well, however he spends his morning planning, that’s got to be good. He’s a busy guy. That led to us creating the Morning Magic Planner, and that’s been downloaded thousands of times, and he had never thought of putting something like that together. And now that’s where Lee is. After eight years of us working together, he’ll start to come up with ideas like that of his own. Like, what if we did this? How could we offer it to people? Because when I started working with Lee, this will give you an idea of what type of guy he is. I did all this research on him. When he called me back and said he wanted to work together, I said, Give me two months to do research, and then we’ll start recording the podcast. So I read all of his blog posts, read his books, watched any video I could. And then I asked him, Lee, of all you’ve done, executive at Marriott. He opened 100 hotels for Marriott. Opened Disneyland in Paris. Executive Vice President Walt Disney World. Creating Magic was great book of all that, lee, what do you want to be known for? And he said, I want people to remember me as a teacher.
Jerry Dugan 00:13:43
And to realize that’s his biggest goal. And now I see him looking for new ways to teach people. It’s not just about getting on as many stages as possible. It’s, how can I reach more people at all levels beginners in their career students, new managers, executives. So I think that is one way that from our relationship, yes, Lee is the mentor, but working with me has opened up new possibilities for him, just like it has for me. And it’s changed the way he thinks about things, just like he’s changed the way I think.
Jerry Dugan 00:14:21
Yeah, I just love that story. I mean, I think about it all the time. If you were to ask anybody who’s worked with me over the years, that connection between the two of you has come up more than anything, because you essentially found a way to get a mentor to work alongside that mentor. You’ve grown. You’ve achieved a lot of your goals. You’ve even moved the goalposts a number of times for yourself to do things that are bigger than you had before. But you’ve also influenced Lee to grow out of his own comfort zones. And so for those who think, well, I don’t need a mentor, I should be mentoring people, well, chances are, if you’re thinking that way, you probably need a mentor too. But if you do find yourself mentoring somebody else, be open to that possibility that the person you’re mentoring is also going to pour into you and grow. You if you’re interested in starting a podcast and you don’t know what to make the podcast about, chances are there’s somebody out there you know and respect who’s further along in their life and career than you are. Have a co host and have that person be the co host and offer something similar to this. We’re not guaranteeing that you’re going to be on the speaking circuit or you’re going to make six figure income or anything like that, but you are going to grow. You are going to change. And also the person mentoring you is going to grow and change. Now, shifting gears a little bit, so you’ve got the idea of mentors. It’s a one on one kind of conversation. Someone is typically further along in their life or career than you are, but then there’s also Masterminds or groups that you can be a part of. I’ll just stick with the phrase Masterminds because it just sounds cool. I grant take over the world. You’ve started one called the Phoenix Club, and then, of course, with Leave, also run the creating. Is it creating magic, mastermind? I think I’d say that, yeah. I’ve been following you for all these years. It’s like I should know all these things, just not memorized. But tell us about Masterminds. Like, what is a mastermind? What are the benefits we get out of that? And then how do they help? And if we forget this part, I’ll just bring us back to it. And how do Masterminds help us achieve our goals?
Jody Maberry 00:16:29
In that respect, Masterminds are way different than having mentors. So let’s just focus first on the Creating Magic Mastermind, because we just had one in Orlando, our best one yet. I say that every time, and it’s always true that our last one is our best one yet because we keep getting better at it. We had this one in Orlando. It’s a day and a half. We had people from all over the country, our first international guest as well, because we had someone from Canada. Well, we all gathered in Orlando, and we prep them ahead of time, that they come with a big opportunity or a big challenge, that they need people’s help on. And what happens is people come for Lee they think, I want because it’s pretty good fee to get time with Lee when you consider what it would cost to have him do a speech or whatever. So people come to spend time with Lee and they find out that the gold is the group. It’s not Lee. Yeah. You’re there for Lee. It’s great you get time with Lee, but to have such diversity in the room. For example, one of them years ago, we had one, there was someone that did work in prisons, and she came with a problem. And the person that gave her the best advice was someone who owned a painting company. Where else was she going to have that conversation? She wouldn’t think to reach out to the owner of a painting company in Cincinnati about the issue she’s having with and they focused on mental health and prisons. And that’s just amazing to know that that happened. And now this last one, we had special guests. We had Duan Rivers, who was vice president of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. He came and spoke to the group. We had Rich Taylor, who ran live entertainment for Disney. He came and spoke to the group. The CEO of Icon Part came and spoke to the group. Now that is a one time Mastermind group, and I can talk more about that. The other is ongoing types, and I’ve been involved in these, where it’s usually a small group of people and you have calls once a week or a couple of times a month. But it’s very similar to what Lee and I do in person, where you’re all focused on helping each other with problems and you become such good friends because you’re going through a lot together and trying to help other people be successful. And that’s part of the key, is that everybody has to be invested in everyone else’s success, not just show up to get something out of it. It won’t work that way. And then there’s a third type Jerry mentioned I started the Phoenix Club. There’s a reason behind that name which I can share. It doesn’t matter the story, but it’s different in that it’s a bigger group, where a Mastermind might be ten to 15 people, let’s say. But then these online groups like the one I have started, it is a bigger group of people. And rather than it being so individualized, it’s more focused on community, the networking, the getting to know people. And in the Phoenix Club, we have a lot of guest speakers, so I will lead a call once a month. We’ll have community led calls, but also I use my vast network to bring other people in so the group can get exposed to them and learn from them. But it’s a much bigger group, different than what I think of when I think Mastermind still worthwhile to be involved in because of the networking, because of who you meet and that sort of thing called the Phoenix Club. My group is because Dugan Cockrell and I Dugan is Lee Cockrell’s son. Dugan was the vice president of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Not animal kingdom. Magic kingdom.
Jody Maberry 00:20:32
Magic Kingdom.
Dan and I started an online group. But Dan’s business has just exploded since COVID and he’s all over the world. He went five months straight without coming home. Him and his wife Valerie were on the road five months before they came back to their place in Colorado. And he just got to where he couldn’t keep the commitments he made to the group. So he decided, I have to let it go. And then I took it over. We let the group fold, and then I restarted it from the ashes of the first group. Therefore it’s called the Phoenix Club. And Dan’s logo is a rooster, Dan Cockerel rooster. So the logo of the Phoenix Club is a rooster rising up like a phoenix. That’s where it all comes from.
Jerry Dugan 00:21:21
I love that. It’s good to know the story behind that, too. It gives that group some culture behind it as well, especially if they’ve been following Dugan Cockrell’s work and your work together, and if they’re part of the OG type of group now with the Phoenix Club, are they kind of a cohort? Like, they run for a certain number of months and then off they go? Because you and I were chatting before we hit record that you’re not keeping this group open indefinitely, like this week when we’re recording. So by the time the listener listens, we may be on to another group or another opening, or it may be closed. So how does that work? Do they sign on for a certain number of months, number of years? Is it indefinitely?
Jody Maberry 00:22:00
For them, it’s month to month. So if we’re not doing a good enough job to keep you coming back, you can just drop out whenever you want. There’s no long term commitment. It’s month to month because it’s going to be good enough. You won’t want to leave the reason behind having staggered openings or just occasional openings is I don’t want to always focus on growing the group. If it’s always open, that would be on top of my mind. Well, we got to get some new members this month. I just want to focus on the people in the group and two or three times a year, yeah, I’ll focus on new members for a week or two and then that’s it. Otherwise, it’s just you. If you’re in the group, we’re focused on you. We’re not worried about new members. We’re just pouring into you being there and you getting the most out of it. So you don’t sign up for a set amount of months. It’s month to month, however you want to stay. If we’re not holding our end of the bargain up and making this because it’s a pretty cheap investment, so if it’s not worth your time to be there for that amount, then by all means go ahead and drop out. So we don’t ask for a commitment. Now, many regular Masterminds quite often will say if it’s an ongoing group, when you sign up, you know you’re in it for a year, that sort of thing. But no, this group I’m doing and then what Leah Cockrell and I do with the Creating Magic Masterminds, that’s just a one time commitment. You know, you’re committed to coming to this live event in Orlando. This last one we did, though, we had eight returnees, which is the most we’ve ever had. So that tells us, well, gosh, we must be doing something right if eight people came back even though they’ve already been to one.
Jerry Dugan 00:23:48
Yeah, it says a lot because those eight people didn’t come back because they failed miserably from the last time. They probably saw some exponential level of growth because of it and said, well, if it worked for me last time, I’m coming back this time because I have another thing I want to work on and it’s going to help propel me to the next level. And that’s a really good sign in my humble opinion, because they came back for more. Now, how does somebody decide which is the best for them? A one time event, a one year type of commitment, or an ongoing type of set up?
Jody Maberry 00:24:24
I think the first thing to look at is what do you need? If you need to grow your network, then a group, something like the Phoenix Club. And there’s a lot out there, so of course I want you to look into my group. But there are a lot out there you can look into those. That’s a great way to grow your network. Get exposed to new authorities on different topics if they have guest speakers. So that is a great one for that sort of group. If you want more direct, intimate, personal help, then a Mastermind is the way to go because you will go in deep with a group of people and you’ll build well, you’ll build good friendships in a group as well. But a Mastermind, you just get to know people way deeper because you really understand their problems and what they’re going through and they help you and you help them. And a one time event like the one with lead, that’s actually a great place to start if you’re new to this sort of thing and you just have one particular issue you want to solve. But so much more has come out of that. I know we’ve had people that have done some business together. We’ve had some people hire people they met at one of our events. It’s been great. So I think if you’re uncertain, a great place to start is with a group because the monthly fee is usually quite a bit lower than a Mastermind. And you just get exposed to what it’s like being in something like this and you’ll just meet new people and so start there. If you need a format to go deeper with people, move into a Mastermind group because you go a lot deeper. You get to know people better. You work on your specific things. So that would be how I would look at it. Kind of like dip your toe in the water with a group, and then when you’re ready, take the plunge. Just jump in with a Mastermind.
Jerry Dugan 00:26:27
Nice. Yeah, that’s very helpful to discern each of those types of groups or Masterminds. You got your event based, you got kind of short term deep dive into all things, and then you got the networking type of groups where you can help each other. You can connect. Maybe it’s not right now that you help each other, but maybe it’s further down the road. So all good things. What do you have next on the horizon for you, by the way?
Jody Maberry 00:26:53
Well, one of the things I’ve been working on is building out courses. So I get a lot of inquiries about podcasting, but I don’t really take on new podcasts, and I don’t have as much room to help people launch podcasts like I used to because I’m so busy with the other stuff, helping executives build their content and all that. So what I decided to do is I love it when people can get their message out into the world. And I know how valuable podcasting is, so I still want to help people with that. So I’ve built a suite of courses, Podcast Magic, that’s about how to have a great podcast, podcast Guest Magic, which is about how to make the most out of being a guest on someone else’s podcast, which I like to do. That’s why I’m here right now with Jerry. And then the third one is Podcast Interview Magic, which is how to do great interviews. And I’ve just been lucky over the last 2014. Since I started my show, I’ve done, my goodness, it’s got to be 1700 episodes. I haven’t counted in a while, but 1700 episodes, hundreds of interviews. And if I can help other people in that, whether it’s starting a podcast or doing better interviews or being guests on podcast, then I want to do it. I just didn’t have the time to help everyone I could, so I said I’ll put it all in courses, and that way I can reach more people. So that’s one that I’m finishing up on. I partnered with Morgan James Publishing and have my own imprint with them called Magic Press. Our first book just came out this summer in August. It was Lee Cockerel’s, career magic. So we’ve got some more books in the works there, including my own. I will finally get that out, hopefully next year.
Jerry Dugan 00:28:46
Jody Maberry 00:28:47
So in addition to the courses, lee and I have some new things in the works. We’ll keep the Masterminds going, the Cockerel Academy, but we’ve got some new workshops that we’re working on that. Will be a lot of fun. There’s a new former executive who I’m helping get their content out into the world. I don’t want to say anything too soon, but I think he’s going to do a great job. And then there’s a couple of other people I’m helping launch their podcast, one that’s about to come. So I’ll go ahead and say it. Tim dick world at work. That’s going to be a great show, and I’m actually going to host some episodes of that show. We’re doing something interesting. I’ve never seen it work quite like this, but there’s two hosts. There’s, like, rotating hosts for that, so.
Jerry Dugan 00:29:38
I know folks can find you at So that’s M-A-B-E-R-R-Y. Where else can folks find you?
Jody Maberry 00:29:46
Well, that’s, of course, the best place to start, because you can find all the podcasts I do there. You like this podcast. So you might also like the Jody Maybury Show and then the Park Leader show. It’s for park rangers, but you would be surprised the conversations about leadership. I think some of the best leaders I’ve ever been exposed to are in parks, so you’ll get to hear some of those conversations. Creating Disney Magic is if anyone knows me for anything, it’s usually that show because it’s got such a big audience. That’s a tremendous show. So that’s a great place to start. And if you have considered whether or not you would like a podcast, a good way to work through that. If you go to, you can download a guide that I have called Podcast Magic, which that’s the same name as my course, but Podcast Magic will really help you walk through how to get your show started, what you need to think about how to think about your first few episodes. And that’s a really good guide. So that’s a good place to start. You can find at, but I would either go there or just go straight to your podcast app, find the Jody.
Jerry Dugan 00:30:56
Awesome sauce and any final words of wisdom before the Internet decides to cut us off.
Jody Maberry 00:31:03
Yeah, that’s right. My Internet is tricky. Today I will go back to something that I said earlier. One of the keys to my success has been to ask more and offer more. If you just start doing that, ask for one more thing this week than you normally do. Offer one more thing this week than you normally do. You will start seeing a noticeable difference before long.
Jerry Dugan 00:31:28
Awesome. Jody, I am so grateful you were able to come on here. I’m glad that the Internet held out long enough for us to get a full conversation in here, and it’s just always great to run into you. Thank you.
Jody Maberry 00:31:41
Well, thanks, Jerry. And perhaps by the time I return from my fourth visit, we’ll have real Internet here.
Jerry Dugan 00:31:49
We’ll just keep beefing up the infrastructure in that little town. Awesome.