Travis Smith is the founder of, a software service that helps family members come together and invest in real estate, businesses, and franchises. He is an experienced financial advisor, having worked for Morgan Stanley, and is passionate about helping others achieve financial freedom.

“To be able to acknowledge and be aware of others that are achieving or where you want to be and looking at them as the examples and seeing that it’s possible is always kind of a big AHA, a switch that needs to go off.” – Travis Smith
Travis Smith is the founder of Tribe Vest, a software service that helps family members come together and invest in real estate, businesses and franchises. He is an experienced financial advisor, having worked for Morgan Stanley, and is passionate about helping others achieve financial freedom.
Table of Contents
This is Travis Smith’s story…
Travis Smith was a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley who saw that despite his family having good incomes, they were still living paycheck to paycheck. This led him to pursue a career outside of financial advising and he eventually formed Tribevest, a software service that helps family members come together and invest in things like real estate, buying a company, and buying a franchise. He and his brothers decided to form an investor Tribe and, because none of them had much money, they each started putting in $500 a month. Over time, they managed to build up a portfolio worth millions of dollars.
They found examples of other people who had achieved financial freedom and this gave them the motivation and confidence to take the first step and invest. Through their Tribevesting, they were able to invest in real estate, crypto, and more.
Today, provides a platform where friends, family, or like-minded individuals can come together, form an entity, and invest by pooling their resources together.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. Discover how four brothers built a portfolio worth millions of dollars from just $500 a month.
2. Uncover the tools needed to form an investor tribe to create financial freedom.
3. Learn how to hack wealth with real estate without having to give up a day job.
What Are Your Limiting Beliefs?
Do you feel like something is holding you back from achieving your goals? Knowledge is half the battle. Download “10 Questions to Help You Identify Your Limiting Beliefs” for FREE, and start smashing your limiting beliefs.
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Other episodes you’ll enjoy:
What Forrest Gump Taught a 6-Year-Old About Wealth – BtR 275
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[Travis Smith]
Yeah. And I think your spot on, I think so much of what’s holding us back, our self limiting beliefs that we all carry probably come from where we grew up and all those those things. So to be able to acknowledge and be aware of others that are achieving or where you want to be and looking at them as the examples and seeing that it’s possible is always kind of a big AHA, a switch that needs to go off. And for us, that was the case.
[Jerry Dugan]
Hey, Renter Nation, have you ever wanted to go into business with family? But you hear that age old piece of wisdom or proverb that says don’t ever go into business with family? Well, I’ve got a guy who found a way to do it and not break up the family. There we go. So welcome to Beyond The Rut, the podcast that shares encouraging stories and practical tools to help pull you out of your rut into a life worth living. I’m your host, Jerry, and joining me is a wonderful guest. His name is Travis Smith. He is the founder of Tribe Vest. Well, what is Tribe vest? Tribevest is a company. It’s a software service, really, that helps family members come together and invest in things like real estate, buying a company, buying a franchise, and it irons out all the things that you need to have the rules of the road ironed out before you go into business together. Because nothing breaks a family or a business more than just a handshake deal. So he’s going to talk about the tools that come together, how it came together, how he and his brothers built off of just putting in $500 a month, built a portfolio worth millions of dollars that they all have a share in. So how does that work? How do they keep from ripping each other apart? How are they still brothers playing golf together? All that good stuff. So sit back and relax. Bust out that notebook and take some notes. Here we go. Alright. Hey Travis, how are things going over there in Ohio?
[Travis Smith]
Jerry? Great, thanks for having me. Been looking forward to this conversation.
[Jerry Dugan]
Awesome. Now, for those who don’t know, we’re recording at 07:00, a.m. Central Standard Time, which I think if I understand correctly, a lot of you aren’t even awake yet. Or maybe you’re just getting out of bed to get dressed and go to work and chances are you don’t like your job and you’re like, oh man, I wish I just had the financial freedom to get out of this. Well, that’s why we have Travis here from Travis. So he was a Morgan Stanley financial advisor, really good at his job, and just recognized that if he was going to be truly financially free for himself and his immediate family, then he needed to do something different and he had to include other people. And so he started to look at what if I could help lift up my extended family as well. And so then that came to life. This thing now called Tribe vest. Travis, that was probably the okayest summary of what you’ve been up to.
[Travis Smith]
It was right there.
[Jerry Dugan]
Awesome. At approved. I did my homework. So interview valet, just so you know, that’s right. So you started your career as a financial advisor. What was it that led you into that and what are probably some basic things that you would teach your customers and clients about why investing is so important. So it’s kind of like two questions thrown together and good luck to you answering that.
[Travis Smith]
Yeah. So my motivations for going into the financial services and kind of choosing that as my area of study in undergrad was I came from a well educated, overachieving family, always having good incomes. Yet I saw that despite those things, we never really were financially free. We really were still living paycheck to paycheck, if you will, and it just didn’t seem right. And that’s when I said, listen, I’m going to go into finance and learn about business and how to leverage your money and everything else. So I graduated from finance from the Ohio State University and was recruited and hired by Morgan Stanley and trained in New York City and was a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley and thought, great way for me to get to know how to build wealth. And what an awesome career to be able to help others and advise them on building wealth as well. But Jerry, what I learned while I was there was it was less about helping people reach their dreams or their goals. And at the time at the time now this is 20 plus years ago, it was much more about selling a financial product and it didn’t connect to me that that meant helping people reach their financial goals. So I often say I was saved by software and went to work for Fintech in Cleveland, Ohio, where I was employee number 36 of a startup and now unicorn. And that’s when I got into a different career, understanding the ins and outs of banking, money movement and things like that. But like that yearning, that initial thing that put me towards going into finance and financial advising was always a driver for me and I ended up finding it kind of outside of my profession. When my brothers and I got together and actually on a fishing trip we couldn’t afford at the time and we talked about these things, we always said, like, hey, we were checking all the boxes, right? We went to school, we graduated, we got our first job, probably got our second job. We were making good incomes, kind of moving up the corporate ladder. But when we realized that we weren’t getting together that often, right, it was because we’re spread all over the country. And a lot of that had to do with just being limited in being able to get off for work, having the money to get together and have a decent vacation, those types of things. This is what gives us energy. We want we want to spend more time with each other. As we got older, we wanted to have make sure our families spent time together. And to do that, you need, you know, financial means to do it. And we always saw real estate as a way to hack wealth without having to give up your day job, but on your own, it’s a very hard thing to do to get into real estate.
[Jerry Dugan]
What are some of the pitfalls that an individual investor runs into that keeps them from investing in real estate?
[Travis Smith]
Yes. And when my brothers and I were getting together on this fishing trip and kind of saying, hey, who around us does seem to have financial freedom, has built wealth and kind of figured things out and not so dependent, so reliant on their paycheck, on their W Two, on their employer, because that’s what we were feeling. We were feeling like, gosh, and this was actually during the Great Recession, if you’re old enough to kind of remember those times. But people around us were losing their jobs after having amazing careers, and that scared us. And again, we were just kind of trying to think who we knew that was around us that wasn’t in that situation, seemed to kind of have this freedom from a W two position. And most of those people own their own business and or owned real estate. And real estate was the most familiar to us. I think of the four of us, two of us maybe had our own house, so we saw the benefits of writing off interest and being able to build equity and the tax advantages. All those things are a little bit more familiar to us. If we were ever going to level up to kind of a new asset class anyway, we kind of put it together that, hey, there’s something in common here with the people that have kind of figured out how to find that financial freedom. Most of them are doing it real estate, and why aren’t we doing it? To get to your question, Jerry, and the answer is, it was unfamiliar. It’s not something that’s taught in school unless your family is in real estate investing, it probably wasn’t taught to you from your parents. So it’s unfamiliar. It’s new. There’s this education. Reading a book about it doesn’t seem to kind of give you everything you need to do. And we kind of realized that. We said, hey, if you’re going to get into real estate, you need to just kind of get into it and learn. It’s a journey, but even getting into it is hard. There’s a capital threshold, right? You need to have 30% down on some type of property or an investment, and that’s a lot of money. Talking tens of thousands of dollars. And so, as an individual, that was really hard. Over a few beers, we said, Listen, let’s form an investor. Tribe pull our capital together. And it wasn’t like, hey, let’s each put in ten grand. We didn’t have ten grand. It was, let’s start putting in $500 each a month. A month. And that was a stretch for us, but it was manageable. Between the four of us, that was $2,000 a month, $24,000 a year. And eventually we got to this point where we had the capital to break in, and we started to see the real magic of try investing and doing things together.
[Jerry Dugan]
I definitely see that, because if you’re thinking about if I’m putting aside $500 a month and I need to say get to $30,000, that’s going to take a good chunk of time to get there. But if you multiply it by four people, you get there in 25% of the time, and that is huge. And I like that you also, as a group, started looking at examples of other people who’ve gone before you. So it’s like there are other people who are financially free. They don’t rely on their day job. In fact, if they have a bad day at work, they can just walk out that door. And the boss is like, hey, where are you going? And you’re like, no bills to pay. You have a good life. I got to go live a life. And so that’s the power of that financial freedom. You can walk out of a job that really sucks or a toxic work environment. You can create your own business that you get to define the culture there, and the realm of possibilities widen when you’re able to take control like that. You’re not under this weight of consumer debt. Your paycheck is going to what you and your family want, not what the bill collector wants. And all those things are just standing out to me as I’m hearing you to tell the story. Travis and so it looks like you got your first taste of Tribe vesting with your brothers, and I’m assuming you did your first deal eventually because you got to the capital you needed. So what was that first deal like? What were some of the lessons you learned together, doing that first transaction?
[Travis Smith]
Yeah, and I think you’re spot on. I think so much of what’s holding us back, our selflimiting beliefs that we all carry probably come from where we grew up and all those things. So to be able to acknowledge and be aware of others that are achieving or where you want to be and looking at them as the examples and seeing that it’s possible is always kind of a big AHA, a switch that needs to go off. And for us, that was the case. Getting back to how did this turn out with your brothers, it was the spark. It was the AHA, like, we can do this together. You mentioned kind of pulling that capital consistently on your own, it would take you four times as long. There’s also the discipline that came with doing this with people, you know, like and trust and respect. It’s a little bit like, hey, I can tell you I’ll be at the gym tomorrow at six in the morning. Maybe I’ll be there, maybe I won’t. But Jerry, if I say I’m going to meet you at the gym tomorrow, you know I’m going to be there. And so there was a little bit of this support system to kind of keep us motivated and being consistent. And then what did we learn together? And that was the biggie right. Like, we just gave ourselves the confidence and the okay to take a step and know that it’s not going to turn out exactly how we thought it would, but together we’ll figure it out. And along the way, that’s been the real fortune. That’s been the real wealth is you can take all of our portfolio and we’ve built an amazing portfolio which has afforded us financial freedom still just for $500 a month, but you can take all that away. And in the end, we still have the knowledge, we still have the confidence. We now are investors. And that was the threshold we had to break through. I’m not an investor. And as soon as we put capital into an account together, an FDIC LLC partnership account, where we’re pulling capital, keeping track of who has what capital in there, as soon as we did that, there’s something that switched in our mind that said, no, you are an investor. You have capital that you’re going to invest tomorrow, next month, next year, whatever, but you are an investor. And it took a little bit for us to convince ourselves that, in fact, we were, but we were we were on our way. And that was, again, kind of the switch that switched for us and then the learnings along the way, just continuing to build confidence. We did our first deal, learned it was hard and we kept going and we did the next one, and we did the next one, and we did the next one. And we unlocked the future by forming and funding that investor group. We didn’t know this at the time, but at that moment we unlocked a future we could have never dreamed of.
[Jerry Dugan]
Yeah. How much of that portfolio can you describe for us, I guess without embarrassing anybody?
[Travis Smith]
Yeah. No. Millions and millions of assets in our portfolio. It’s what afforded us me the ability to start Tribe Best and leave my career, really, and actually continue my career, but doing it as a founder and CEO of a startup called Tribe Best. But a lot of real estate, active real estate, where we actually own the property and rent it, vacation homes where we use those vacation homes and rent them out. Short term rentals. So a ton of technology that has made real estate more turnkey right where before it was like it was almost you had to run the business. And it is, it is a little bit of a business, but there’s so much technology and services out there that you can very much more efficiently be a real estate investor without being a full time manager or landlord. We’re invested in crypto, we’re invested in startups as angel investors. We owned a racehorse for a while.
[Jerry Dugan]
Which is I heard about that in another interview. You did?
[Travis Smith]
Yeah. That was really cool because part of our mission, our tribe’s mission was to learn and grow together and to bring us together. And so it’s a very social element of this to this day, it’s still our favorite thing to do. It’s the reason always the kind of prompt for us to be getting together consistently. It’s our favorite thing to kind of nerd out about. When it came to this opportunity to invest in a racehorse, we had just exited a few other deals and we said, you know what, let’s do this. We knew it wasn’t really an investment, it was much more of a kind of a bet but like orbit kind of thing. But it worked out. We kind of caught lightning in a bottle and it was one of the top earning racehorses marvelous that year and what an experience. But we never would have been in a position to do something silly like that where we knew, we knew we were doing something silly, but it was something that we put ourselves in a position to do that and we did it. And then we went on this just incredible experience together that will always just be so special for us.
[Jerry Dugan]
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[Travis Smith]
Yeah. So Travis is really the platform we wished we had 1415 years ago when we started the original from your pain.
[Jerry Dugan]
Became Tribe best, right?
[Travis Smith]
100%. Our little tribe almost didn’t happen. We went on this fishing trip. We came back all excited and we’re like, okay, let’s do this. And all the questions kind of came up, like, do we need an operating agreement? Do we need an attorney? Like, which attorney should we use? And do we file an LLC? What state do we do that in? Do we open up a business bank account? How do we open up a business bank account? How do we keep records of everything? How do we keep this all straight? How do we communicate? It becomes this very antiquated process. We didn’t invent this. Like, the wealthy have been investing together in groups for hundreds of years, but they’ve always had kind of their country club network of attorneys and advisors, and they come together and they put these things together, right? And if you don’t have that country club network, it really is quite a burden to figure this out and navigate it. But we persevered, thank goodness. But we set out to build this platform about 2018, people started to really notice what we were doing and asked us, how are you doing it? And we shared that the secret of Tribe Vesting. And they said, Wait a minute. I have people that I know, like and trust, that we have shared goals and dreams. Can you help us form a tribe? And again, that’s when we kind of had to think about all the things we did wrong. We did everything wrong. And if we could do this again, what would that experience be?
[Jerry Dugan]
Like, yeah, it’s a good safety manual, right?
[Travis Smith]
It was, it was a great way to kind of know what the product needed to look like initially and that’s what we built. So you can come in, file your LLC in any of the 50 states on our platform, you can assemble your members. So you add your members to that, you agree on the rules of the tribe upfront. Very important. So there’s certain things that make tribe vesting investing as a group safe and easy and transparent and that’s first socialize this with your tribe, make sure it’s a good fit and then really where the rubber meets the road is hey, we’re going to agree on these things up front. And that’s so important. Jerry, you hear maybe horror stories and of course, you’ve been told not to do business with friends and family, right. I think we’ve all been probably told that unless we came from wealthy because if you came from a wealthy family, they would tell you to do business with people. You know, like the key is you don’t go into a group business without setting it up the right way. If you set it up the right way, it’s a very safe and easy thing to do. When you come in, everybody’s agreeing to the rules, the mission that’s captured in an operating agreement and then you open up an FDIC insured business bank account. And by the way, this can happen as fast as within two days. Within two days you can file your LLC, open up a business bank account, be pulling capital and be investing together, which is pretty incredible in terms of where we’ve come from. That used to be a month long process, easy.
[Jerry Dugan]
So this is all available to be done through the tribe vest platform. Like there’s a wizard that kind of takes them through or how does that work?
[Travis Smith]
100%. Yeah, you come in and you get stepped through a wizard type experience. You also have an onboarding specialist that’s there to answer any questions that you have along the way, even there to assemble your tribe and have a group conversation. So yeah, all these resources to make sure you’re setting it up the right way and ultimately on boarded to this point where you’re set up the right way, you have capital and you’re ready to invest together.
[Jerry Dugan]
[Travis Smith]
And then the platform offers a transparent dashboard, right. So everybody’s on the dashboard, everybody can see the documents, everybody sees the rules. Your business bank accounts are all right there. You can see every transaction. You see everybody’s capital contributions. And that’s really the key here is transparency, right. And when people get into trouble because there’s no transparency, there’s mystery. And it’s not that people are trying to pull a fast one or anything like that. It’s more about just when there’s mystery, people start to wonder. And what’s great about tribe vest is start to wonder. You log in to the dashboard and you see everything there for the whole tribe to see.
[Jerry Dugan]
Nice. And then being able to see everybody’s capital contributions allows for calculation of what percentage of equity everybody has as well.
[Travis Smith]
100%. You’re spot on, Jerry. Yeah. So keeping track of who put in what amount of capital and that’s how much ownership you have in the tribe, and therefore, when you make an investment, how much ownership you have in that investment, and keeping that all tracked and tidy is a key.
[Jerry Dugan]
Yeah. That makes total sense. And I think it even reinforces the trust everybody had with each other before they went into this transaction or this partnership together. Now, once that tribe has they’ve gotten their startup, they’ve given themselves a name, they got their LLC or their corporation. However they decided to go about creating their entity, they got the tribe they’re throwing money in. Now they’ve built up enough capital to make that first investment. How do they go about doing that? Using the funds that are inside of their tribe best account.
[Travis Smith]
Yeah. So they have a full service banking account on the dashboard. Tribe best banking account, it’s FDIC insured, which means it’s insured from the federal government up to $250,000. And they can write a check, they can bill pay, they can use their debit card, they can wire the money. So any way you can think of that, you would be doing some type of deal you can link via.
[Jerry Dugan]
[Travis Smith]
Am I thinking online, like your bank account, all those types of things, plan. And then there’s a good chance if you’re buying your deal online that it could be integrated with Travis. So you can even streamline that even faster. That’s going to be more and more of what you’re going to be seeing out there.
[Jerry Dugan]
Okay. And then I think because of the transparency as well, you know, when somebody is drawing from it, it sounds like you can also just set up who has access to actually spend the funds. So it’s not like everybody so if you have a tribe of like, ten people, everybody’s going to be putting money in, but they could choose to have just one person do that.
[Travis Smith]
Yeah. You agree to who’s going to be the manager of that. And yeah, everybody agrees that this one person or second person are the ones that are going to be doing the transaction to keep that nice and tidy.
[Jerry Dugan]
Nice. Good. Because I’m thinking that one person that’ll use all the funds just to have lavish meals and write them off as a business expense and you’re like, no, that was some property.
[Travis Smith]
That’s right. Yeah. Again. And that transparency comes in super handy. And if someone didn’t understand how this all worked and all of a sudden people started seeing expenses and they’re like, what’s going on, Sally? Like, no, this is not how that works. And then you just correct the ship and you get back on track.
[Jerry Dugan]
Yeah, I love it.
[Travis Smith]
Not that that happens very often.
[Jerry Dugan]
No, because it looks like all the work is done up front to really lay out what are the rules of the game, one of the guardrails. So that really does seem to help. It’s kind of like a really good prenuptial agreement. Right. A lot of people think of prenups as what do you do in case there’s a divorce? But I interviewed somebody for the show that looks at prenups as a way to guide the marriage forever. So how often do they talk about the state of the marriage, the state of the finances? If there’s a disagreement, what are the rules of engagement to escalate it if they need to? Who can say we got to go to marriage. All those rules are laid out upfront. So this is very different from a prenup agreement, of course, but some of the concepts and principles still apply that you’re setting the ground rules up front. Who’s responsible for what, who can do what? What are we intending to do together? And so it gives you those guardrails of what we’re going to do with the money, what we’re not going to do with the money. What does equity look like even like if I want to cash out, what does that look like? I think all that goes into, like, your documents, what do you call it?
[Travis Smith]
Operational operating agreement.
[Jerry Dugan]
Operating agreement. Okay.
[Travis Smith]
Operating agreement.
[Jerry Dugan]
[Travis Smith]
You’re right on. It’s a great parallel there as you’re going into a partnership.
[Jerry Dugan]
Awesome. Now I know we’re running out of time. Travis. So we talked about your story. We talked about tribe vest. Sounds like a really good thing folks need to take a look at. And if it is, if somebody is like, you know what? I want to get my kids involved. In fact, I’m thinking this because my kids are 19 and 20, about to be 21 and they haven’t started investing yet. And now is the time. Actually, a few years back was the time for them to start, but this is the next best thing. And so they want me to kind of guide them through. And I think this is a great opportunity for us to do it together. If we build it right and build our empire and get our third world island financial freedom, you can do what you want, right?
[Travis Smith]
I love that. I think there’s so much of our customers are about bringing in family, multiple generations, learning. It’s a learning experience. All those things you come on to start a tribe and it’s $29 a month if you do it annually, $39 a month if you do it monthly. And that’s for the entire tribe. And then the additional cost would be filing the LLC in Ohio. I think it’s $95 for the LLC, but that’s basically what it would cost to get started.
[Jerry Dugan]
Nice. So go check it out, everybody. Now, another neat thing. On is they do have a blog and they do post a lot of really valuable content pieces in there. I saw one, like five things to be aware of when you’re doing deals with your family and how to overcome that or prevent them from happening. So a lot of great resources in there. Anything that probably is a fear of yours. There’s probably an article in their blog that helps address that. Travis, any final words of wisdom before we go?
[Travis Smith]
Thanks for having me. And words of wisdom is take a step, take a leap. People ask me what’s the most important thing to going on a wealth journey or starting your wealth journey or Tribe vesting or group investing? And it always comes back to the most important step is the first one and get going. Get going, get out there, start momentum and get on this journey. And that’s exactly what it is. It’s not a transaction. It’s a journey. And it’s not going to go according to plan. It never does. But that’s where the gold is. The fortune is in the lesson and the experience. And that’s my advice to anyone.
[Jerry Dugan]
Nice. Travis, great to have you on here. I’m glad we were able to work this out. And, yeah, we’ll have to keep in touch.
[Travis Smith]
You too, Jerry. Thanks again. This was awesome. And you bet we’ll be keeping in touch. Thank you.
[Jerry Dugan]
Now, if you like everything you heard in this episode, be sure to check out the show notes at There you’ll find links to Tribevest and other episodes of people who came together and started to invest to build a financial future for themselves. Because at beyond the Rut, we talk about really the five circles of our lives our faith, our family, our fitness, finances, and future possibility or future success. Now, he covered two of these family and finances and actually three if you think about future success because they are doing something with their money to make it work for them in the future that hasn’t even gotten here yet. So there you have it. Now, the best thing you can do for Beyond The Rut is to hit that share button right now and send this to a friend, a family member, a coworker or that neighbor across the street. So that’s all I’m asking for. Share this episode with somebody you think would also enjoy it and get a kick out of it.
[Jerry Dugan]
Maybe you want to start up a tribe and start investing. Now, I’m glad you joined me this week. I look forward to joining you again next week. But until next time, go live life beyond The Rut. Take care.