Eric Giuliani Traveling Tall Part 2

Eric Giuliani Traveling Tall and Living His Dream Part 2 – BtR 053

You Gotta Enjoy the Details

Eric Giuliani is back to share with us how he prepared for the launch of his dream. Eric shares how we need to care about the details and wenjoy the details them as part of the process.

Eric’s Biggest Lessons

He’s 6’9″ and lives out of just two duffle bags living life around the world. What were his biggest lessons that can relate to your life?

What happened to him in Vietnam when he almost quit and instead found himself persevering?

These are the questions we ask Eric in Part 2 of this interview.



Part 1 of this interview on Beyond the Rut.

Visit Eric’s website and learn more about his traveling adventures at

Thanks to Sara McDaniel from for connecting us with Eric.

Listen to our original interview with Sara on how A Simple Life is a Bigger Life.

Eric Thomas video “Get to the Spot”,q_lossy,to_avif/

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