Jerry Dugan shares his passion behind Beyond the Rut, and walks you through how to achieve your goals in 2022 and beyond using the “Measure It to Make It” tool from Beyond the Rut.
Table of Contents
Achieve Your Goals in 2022…and Beyond
It’s been said, “Many people aim at nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy.” I heard that from a real estate broker many years ago when I was a real estate sales agent. He was talking about the importance of knowing your metrics and daily actions for success over the long run. It worked. What made it very helpful for the years leading up to the real estate bubble. In fact, it got me through the first couple of years after that bubble bust as well. Remembering why I had gotten into real estate sales was my cue to stay in for the time I did, and my cue for when it was time to get out of it for good.
Written goals helped me become the first in my family to attend and graduate from college. It was the only written goal I had when I was fourteen years old, but it was a written goal nonetheless. Where I am today, and the progress being made into the future is aided by having written goals.
The power behind written goals is that they take something that is inside your head and makes it tangible and real. You become a creator the moment you write a goal down on paper or type it into something like Evernote to be referenced over and over.
If you want to achieve your goals in 2022, you start by putting thoughts onto paper.
Why You Should Download Measure It to Make It
Measure It to Make It is a free tool offered by Beyond the Rut without any attachments. Its purpose is to guide the user through a template to think about the purpose behind some goals.
It’s a common thing we see at Beyond the Rut where someone shouts out a list of challenges like cold therapy in the morning, eating clean, the Daniel Diet, the keto diet (guilty), running a marathon, making more money, getting a promotion, go back to school, etc. We also see those goals go by the wayside.
Digging deeper we find that no effort was really put into them. Why? Most commonly it’s the result of not having a compelling “Why?” behind the goals to drive efforts into a future not yet realized, or the mechanisms are not in place to achieve them daily. In other words, these goals may be meaningless or have no way of measuring their success or progress, especially long-term goals.
Measure It to Make It provides that structure to identify what drives you in life, what matters most, then helps you create the structure needed to achieve your goals in 2022 and beyond.
So, download a copy of Measure It to Make It now, and apply this episode to paper to create the life you dream of living.
Resources and Links
Recommended reading
- The Power of Habit by Charles Duhig
- The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod
- Today Is the Day: Find and Embrace Your God-Given Dreams by Pastor Bil Cornelius
Listen to these past episodes of Beyond the Rut
If You Only Have Five Years to Live – BtR 045
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Episode Credits
Host, Editing, and Production: Jerry Dugan